Thank You Dr. Sean Arthur

The Department sends its thanks and best wishes to Dr. Sean Arthur!  Although Sean transitioned to emeritus status in 2011, he has continued to teach a section of CS 3304, Comparative Languages, every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 8:00 a.m.  Most students report that this class has been the highlight of their day (“Isn’t that right, class?!”).  But now Sean claims there are just too many fish that need catching, so after more than 30 years as part of the Computer Science Department, he offered his last lecture on Tuesday, May 3.  Department Head Cal Ribbens stopped by to congratulate Sean on his many years of service, and to offer the classic Blacksburg token of appreciation, Carol Lee donuts.


Cal Ribbens (left) and Sean Arthur (right)
Cal Ribbens (left) and Sean Arthur (right)