The Department of Computer Science hosted its 4th annual Spring Awards Banquet on Wednesday, April 27 at the Inn at Virginia Tech. A complete list of recognitions and award recipients is below.
Graduate Student Awards
Sanchit Chadha— Outstanding MS Award
Saurav Ghosh — Co-Author w/Naren Ramakrishnan (advisor) and others on Best Paper Award at SDM 2015
Mahdi Nabiyouni — Co-author w/Doug Bowman (advisor) on Best Paper Award at ICAT-EGVE 2015
Xiaokiu Shu —PhD Candidate, Outstanding PhD Award
Zheng Song — 2nd place in ACM Student Research Competition at MobileSoft 2015
Xiaodong Yu—Outstanding GTA Award
Undergraduate Student Awards
Melvin Amos—George Gorsline Award
Julia Binger—Phi Beta Kappa Candidate
Mary Carome—Junior Scholar Award
Peter Steele — ICPC Programming Team
Lance Chao—Phi Beta Kappa Candidate
Harrison Fang—Outstanding UTA Award
Matthew Favero—Phi Beta Kappa Candidate
Luciano Gonzalez—Phi Beta Kappa Candidate
Sean Goodrich—Phi Beta Kappa Candidate
Nicholas Greer—Junior Scholar Award
Marina Kiseleva—Undergraduate Service Award
Hangxin Liu—Phi Beta Kappa Candidate
Stu Harvey — ACM President
Noah Luther—Phi Beta Kappa Candidate, Outstanding Senior
Danh Nguyen—Phi Beta Kappa Candidate
Dustin Pho — ICPC Programming Team
Jayanth Prathipati—Outstanding UTA Award
Benjamin Pruett—Phi Beta Kappa Candidate, Outstanding UTA Award
Jishnu Renugopal—Phi Beta Kappa Candidate
Steven Roberts—Senior Scholar Award, Phi Beta Kappa Candidate
Joseph Sebastian—Phi Beta Kappa Candidate
Andrew Sorrels—Senior Scholar Award, Phi Beta Kappa Candidate
Peter Steele — ICPC Programming Team
Melanie Trammell—Junior Scholar Award
Mitchell Wagner—Phi Beta Kappa Candidate
Tandy Walker—Phi Beta Kappa Candidate
Sebastian Welsh—Phi Beta Kappa Candidate
Joshua Willard—Junior Scholar Award
Eric Williamson—Sophomore Scholar Award
Chris Wu —ICPC Programming Team
CS Ambssadors
Michelle Becerra |
Derek Messer |
Brian Clarke |
Sowmya Ranga |
Emily Croeber |
Joseph Sebastian |
Joe Fletcher |
Caroline Stewart |
Christie Goddard |
James Taylor |
Latika Gulati |
Jacob Teves |
Xack Hinson |
Hanna Vess |
Marina Kiseleva |
Amy Vogrig |
Emma Manchester |
Victor Weiss |
2016 Phi Beta Kappa Inductees
Julia Binger |
Benjamin Pruett |
Lance Chao |
Jishnu Renugopal |
Matthew Favero |
Steven Roberts |
Luciano Gonzalez |
Joseph Sebastian |
Sean Goodrich |
Andrew Sorrels |
Hangxin Liu |
Mitchell Wagner |
Noah Luther |
Tandy Walker |
Danh Nguyen |
Sebastian Welsh |
Faculty and Staff Recognitions
Osman Balci — ACM SIGSIM Distinguished Contributions Award
Ing-Ray Chen — 2015 IEEE Communications Society William R. Bennett Prize in Communications Networking
Ginger Clayton —VT Staff Career Achievement Award
Debbie Cole —UOPD Administrative Professional Development Certificate
Barbara Ryder — COE Diversity Committee Award for Contributions to Diversity
Ed Fox — 2016 XCaliber Award
Dennis Kafura — 2016 XCaliber Award
C.T. Lu — 2016 COE Faculty Fellow and ACM Distinguished Scientist
Madhav Marathe — VT Scholar of the Week
T.M. Murali — 2016 COE Dean’s Excellence in Research Award
Barbara Ryder — COE Diversity Committee Award for Contributions to Diversity
Barbara Ryder, Libby Bradford, Greg Farris, Scott McCrickard — 2nd Place NCWIT NEXT Award
Cliff Shaffer — ACM Distinguished Educator
Adrian Sandu — ACM Distinguished Scientist
Anil Vulikanti — VT Scholar of the Week
Layne Watson — IEEE Life Fellow Award

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