Edward A. Fox, professor in the Department of Computer Science, has received the university’s 2016 XCaliber Award for making extraordinary contributions to technology enriched active learning.
Established in 1996 by the Office of the Provost, the XCaliber Award is present annually by Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies to recognize individual faculty members or teams of faculty and staff who integrate technology in teaching and learning. The award celebrates innovative, student-centered approaches.
Fox received the award in recognition for his work in developing and enhancing two new computer science courses, CS 4984, Computational Linguistics and CS 5604, Informational Retrieval.
The Computational Linguistics course gives students the opportunity to engage in active learning about how to work with large collections of text. Students engage in problem based learning with the challenge of analyzing content collections automatically, extracting key information, and generating easily readable summaries of important events.
The Information Retrieval course requires graduate students to analyze, index, store, search, retrieve, process, and present information and documents using fully automatic systems.
Both courses are focused on student engagement and mastery of the material. The objectives of the courses provide students with skills that are in great demand.
Fox led the campus to join the Cloudera Academic Partnership in 2015, providing the university with educational resources and support provided by this leading company in the area.
He received his bachelor’s degree from M.I.T. and his master’s degree and Ph.D. degrees from Cornell University.