A programming team composed of three students from the Department of Computer Science, lead by Dr. Godmar Back, received an honorary mention at the ACM-ICPC World Finals, held in May 2014. The team members were Matthew Dallmeyer, Michael O’Beirne, and Nicholas Sharp. Overall the team finished #92 out of 122; or #16 out of 21 teams within North America. St. Petersburg State won the championship, and NYU was the best among the US universities.
This competition, a great experience for the students, was held in Yekaterinburg, Russia’s fourth-largest city. Ural Federal University hosted the event, which was broadcasted sports-entertainment style by the same company who worked in Sochi for the Olympic games. Next year, the ACM-ICPC competition will be held in Morocco.
More information about this competition can be found at http://icpc.baylor.edu/. And the full list of results for the 2014 competition can be seen at http://icpc.baylor.edu/worldfinals/results.