Two Initial Ideas

Idea One: A wifi connected ambient lighting system that responds to external stimuli such as weather, seasons, and daylight. A lot of the time as a student in the CS department, we work in spaces where there is not a lot of exposure to what’s going on in the outside world. We are sometimes stuck indoors for extended periods and as a result, lose track of time and become completely oblivious to whether its daytime or nighttime outside. I believe a lighting array would be a simple approach to simulating those outside stimuli and giving us at least some sense of what is going on outside.

Idea Two: A smart mirror that is aware of different online clothing catalogs and allows you to digitally “try on” clothes in the mirror. A lot of times when shopping online, we have a hard time knowing if something we like will online will look good on us. I think a smart mirror would be able to better help us understand whether or not we like a particular outfit or fit.