Reed Koser is a senior studying computer science and math. He is interested in audio-visual arts and data visualization. Combining the two, he has a long-standing project which aims to be a real-time music visualizer, suitable for use in performance settings. Since most of his personal and professional projects are in or related to this domain, he has a deep understanding of computer graphics, and shallow knowledge of statistics and signal processing. In addition, he has a passion for making the digital physical. That is, taking digital data and concepts and bringing them in to the physical world. Reed isn’t a mechanical or electrical engineer, but could probably play one on TV if pressed.

Audio-visual is a trigger word for me! Do you do VJing too? I always wanted to learn the VJ’s performance practice as well – like what kinds of tools that use, what the challenges are. Let us know if you have any professional projects that you can share with the class. I hope to see your ways of making the digital physical from your project. It sounds pretty cool.