- A website for finding open source projects to collaborate with others. GitHub currently has no way of searching for brand-new projects or people who are seeking collaborators. People with ideas could find collaborators and people who just want to try open source can find projects to contribute to.
- Interactive collaborative real-time coding—think jupyter notebooks but live collaboration. The code would be executed on users’ local machines, so it should work for developing anything.

For the first project, I would have to learn more about how it is different from github. e.g. when I sort github search result by “recently updated” Does this do what you want? In general, I don’t want you to compete with a software company. :)
I like the 2nd idea. Live collaboration in programming is not that common because it has bigger challenges than creating just google docs (I hope you don’t have to reinvent google docs again and use existing API/library) What’s interesting to me is that how the programming environment can deal with problems such as conflicts, coordination, task decomposition, and state visualization. :) the code could be executed on my local machine but what happens if someone else’s code is buggy at the moment that I am trying to run? How is it different from Github again? I wrote a short paper on this and this may help you in some ways. https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3053268