Randy Liang is a senior graduating in December and hopes to bridge his creativity and programming skills through this course. Currently working in a co-op with Genworth, he is working on their web team throughout the semester. He is proficient in Java, Python, and HTML/CSS and is open to learning new frameworks. In his spare time, he enjoys reading Y Combinator, Ars Technica, and Reddit to keep up to date with emerging technologies. He is looking into Rasplex to host a media server (Plex) as an open loop personal project and is in the process of revamping his portfolio website using Ember.js and Firebase as back-end. Beyond all things technological, Randy is also an avid runner, amateur photographer, and enjoys live music like none other (went to Lolla a few weeks ago).

Hi, Randy! Welcome to the course. Did you know Ars Electronica, too? :)