Lagrange dual

1. Lagrange dual problem: standard form, Lagrange dual function, and dual problem

First, we consider an optimization problem in the standard form:

minimize  f_{0}(x)

subject to  f_{i}(x) \leq 0, i = 1, …, m

 h_{i}(x) \leq 0, i = 1, …, p

with variable  x \in R^{n} , domain  D = \bigcap_{i=0}^{m} dom f_{i} \cap \bigcap _{i=1}^{p} dom h_{i} is nonempty. The optimal value is  p^{*} .

The idea of lagrangian duality is to take the constraints into account by augmenting the objective function with a weighted sum of the constraint functions.

Lagrangian  L: R^{n}\times R^{m} \times R^{p}\rightarrow R as:
L(x, \lambda , \nu ) = f_{0}(x)+ \sum_{i=1}^{m}\lambda _{i}f_{i}(x)+\sum_{i=1}^{p}\nu _{i}h_{i}(x),

with  dom L = D \times R^{m}\times R^{p},  \lambda _{i} as the Lagrange multiplier associated with the  i_{th} inequality constraint  f_{i}(x) \leq 0 and  \nu_{i} as the Lagrange multiplier associated with the  i_{th} equality constraint  h_{i}(x) = 0 .

Lagrange dual function is the minimum value of the Lagrangian.

For  \lambda \in R_{m}, \nu \in R_{p}
 g(\lambda, \nu) = inf_{x \in D} L(x, \lambda, \nu) = inf_{x \in D}(f_{0}(x) + \lambda _{i}f_{i}(x)+\sum_{i=1}^{p}\nu _{i}h_{i}(x))

If  \lambda \geq 0 , then  g(\lambda, \nu) \leq p^{*} .


If  x\hat{~} is feasible and  \lambda \geq 0, then
 f_{0}(x\hat{~}) \geq L(x\hat{~}, \lambda, \nu) \geq inf_{x\in D}L(x, \lambda , \nu) = g(\lambda , \nu)
minimizing over all feasible  x\hat{~} gives  p^{*} \geq g(\lambda , \nu)

The dual problem: what is the best lower bound that can be obtained from the Lagrange dual function?

maximize  g(\lambda , \nu)
subject to  \lambda \geq 0
Optimal value is denoted as  d^{*}

2. Weak and strong duality

If   d^{*} \leq p^{*}, this property is called weak duality. The weak duality inequality holds when  d^{*} and d^{*} are infinite while If the equality  d^{*} = p^{*} holds then we say that strong duality holds.

3. Geometric interpretation of dual function and lower bound  g(\lambda) \leq p^{*}

For a problem with one (inequality) constraint. Given λ, we minimize  ( \lambda, 1)^{T}(\mu, t) over G =\{(f _{1} (x), f _{0} (x)) | x \in D\} . This yields a supporting hyperplane with slope −λ. The intersection of this hyperplane with the u = 0 axis gives g(λ). Supporting hyperplanes corresponding to three dual feasible values of λ, i.e, optimum \lambda ^{\ast }\lambda ^{1 }, and \lambda ^{2 } . As shown in the figures, strong duality does not hold so the optimal duality gap p^{\ast }-d^{\ast } is positive.

4. Price or profit interpretation

Suppose the variable x denotes how an enterprise operates and  f_{0}(x) denotes the cost of operating at x, then  -f_{0}(x) is the profit made at the operating condition x.

Each constraint  f_{i}(x) \leq 0 represents some limit on resources (e.g., warehouse space, labor) or a regulatory limit (e.g., environmental). The operating condition that maximizes profit while respecting the limits can be found by solving the problem:

minimize f_{0}(x)

subject to  f_{i}(x) \leq 0, i = 1, …, m.

The resulting optimal profit is  - p ^{*} resulting optimal profit is  - p ^{*} .

Now imagine a second scenario in which the limits can be violated, by paying an additional cost which is linear in the amount of violation, measured by f_{i} .  Enterprise for the  i^{th} limit or constraint is  \lambda _{i}f_{i}(x) . Payments are also made to the firm for constraints that are not tight; if  f_{i}(x) \leq 0 represents a payment to the firm.

The coefficient  \lambda _{i} has the interpretation of the price for violating  f_{i}(x) \leq 0 ; its units are dollars per unit violation. For the same price the enterprise can sell any ‘unused’ portion of the  i^{th} constraint. We assume \lambda _{i} \leq 0 , i.e., the firm must pay for violations.


Boyd and Vandenberghe, Chapter 5–5.5

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