Leonardo Pavanatto

Computer Science Ph.D. Candidate

I’m a Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science and Applications at Virginia Tech, a member of the 3D Interaction Group and of the Center for Human-Computer Interaction. My work is advised by Dr. Doug Bowman. I am also a Master of Computer Science and Bachelor of Computer Engineering, both degrees obtained at PUCRS, with terms abroad at Illinois Tech and Virginia Tech. I have further been an intern at Duke University, Microsoft Research, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

My expertise area is Virtual and Augmented Reality within the scope of 3D User Interfaces. Some specific research interests include how to use augmented reality for improving productivity on real-world tasks (such as working with virtual monitors and how to design cross-device interaction), and how to enhance the process of content creation through immersive technologies (such as architecture design and visualization).


Research Projects