Reflection 3- 02/13 [Anika Tabassum]


The paper finds out the linguistic and discourse cues that generally occurs before the betrayal. Niculae study user behavior on popular online diplomatic games and analyze contexts, sentiment, language and discourse used by both parties (victim and betrayer) in different seasons of the game. They observe that betrayals occur generally when there arises an imbalance of sentiment, politeness and discourse marks between the parties. This study is the primary step to create a model that can forecast betrayals and help understanding friendships in diplomatic relations in real life.



This paper tries to find out the impact of linguistic cues before the occurrence of betrayal. For understanding this, they also compute sentiment, discourse, and politeness of the user from both parties in online behavior. I like the idea of the paper and their analysis how they show the imbalance between the communication between two parties cause betrayal by one. My question is: will this be applicable in real life also? Because online game is played mostly by inexperienced teenagers who have very little about diplomacy and complex relationships. Besides, as a future research direction, we can think of creating a model using series of events happened in historical data of diplomacy that can predict betrayals in diplomatic and political relations in real life.

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