Initial Idea 1- Note-Able 🙂 A crowd-sourced (live?) system that allows student to contribute to a ‘notebase’ for a class being taken by a prof, where each student commits to the notebase ‘line by line’ making it mandatory for students to pay attention in class, contribute just one line to the notebase yet have the…
Intro & Initial Ideas – Spencer Jenkins
Intro: I’m a M.S. student in Computer Science, with my research advisor in the Philosophy department. My thesis work uses deep learning to answer questions in philosophy of aesthetics concerning sound. My main interest is in a course project combining machine learning with the humanities, with a special focus in musical applications. My technical experience…
Two initial ideas & Intro
Initial Idea 1: Helping homeless cats. In many counties and cities, there are numerous homeless small animals, especially cats. Some of them fled from their own home, some of them are abandoned by owners, and some of them are born in the wild. Every life is worthy of respect. Hence, many people start to choose…
Nuo Ma – Initial Ideas & Intro
Idea 1, Nowadays, a lot of HCI applications rely on ubiquitous computing devices binded on individual persons. However, this approach can sometimes be limited and needs device reset when user is changed. Now with computer vision algorithms, we can use simple cameras to find and track person in an area, this result can be used…
Aakash’s Initial Two Ideas
Not exactly Aakash’s alone though … Idea 1: Making micro-tasks attainable to semi-literate/illiterate population There are various types of micro-tasks – some are complex and require extensive reading and writing while others are simpler and could potentially be completed by illiterate population. I want to see if we can formulate a process by using audio…
Omar Faruqi – My 2 Ideas
(1) File-storage using BlockChain. I am proposing the idea of using blockchain for the purpose of storing files on the cloud. Currently, there is a central authority where all the files are stored such as Google, but these companies typically reserve the right to peer over personal documents, etc. My idea would remove the central…
Yuan Li – Initial Ideas & Intro
Idea 1. The Augmented Reality devices have an inherent problem of small field-of-view. When computer-assisted collaboration happens, the constraint on small field of view will pose challenge on reaching visual consensus. For example, when two artists are working on a large AR sculpture of David (Michelangelo) together, one’s display only shows David‘s toe while the…
Eddy Powell_Two Initial Ideas + Intro
(1) Generating Interactive Tutorials of Online Tasks by Demonstration- The idea of this project is to create effortless interactive tutorials, primarily with those of low digital literacy in mind. There will be two roles: a helper and a user. The helper will go through the online web task themself. From this, data will be collected…
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