The authors of this paper are affiliated with the University of Washington. This paper was published in CHI during 2012. They provided a framework for listening, created a system that helped utilize this framework, and then they tested their system through a few different scenarios. I believe one major improvement to the system would be…
Author: edwardp9
Edward Powell – Reflection 8
In this reading, the authors measure the effects of diversity on group collaboration for generation ideas. They break down diversity into two major categories: internal and external. For external diversity they utilize pictures generated based on the current conversation that were either based on two of their methods of semantic and congruent. And for internal…
Edward Powell – Reflection 7
Aaron Hertzmann, is a researcher for Adobe, a former professor, and an amateur artist. This reading was more blog style and mostly reflections about AI in the art realm. There are three major parts. In part one, the author describes briefly photography’s role historically in the art world. Then, in part two, the author argues…
Edward Powell – Reflection 6
In this paper, the authors expanded the functionality of Designers’ Outpost, a system designed for web development using a whiteboard, post it notes, and cameras. With their improvements on the system, they capture the design history amongst collaborators located in the same physical space. Their system has three main mechanisms: 1) a main timeline, 2)…
Edward Powell – Reflection 5
In this paper, the authors conduct an in depth analysis of the Wikipedia editing process. They differentiate between two types of coordination: explicit coordination and implicit coordination. More editors did not always lead to an increased quality in the articles. Implicit coordination that was focused was useful with a lot of editors, but explicit coordination…
Edward Powell – Reflection 4
In this paper, the authors developed a system for collocated workers that serves as a workload manager. The manager takes into account the task difficulty, strengths and weaknesses of the workers in the pool, local history, and how various subtasks are related to each other in order to help inform its decision. After the workload…
Edward Powell – Reflection 3
Reflection 3 In this paper, the author developed a tool, IMAXES, that allows users to create visualizations of data in old and new ways by manipulating axes using a hand controller. The formation of the visualizations utilizes a set grammar that the authors developed which allows for deterministic and declarative outputs. They test their novel…
Edward Powell – Reflection 2
Reflection 2 In this paper, the authors measure effectiveness through the number of clicks users had for ad creations, time spent on the website, and independent ratings from professionals. One set of participants created ads in a serial fashion, continually refining and receiving feedback. The other set of participants created ads in parallel, developing multiple…
Edward Powell – Reflection 1
Reflection 1 In this paper, the authors measure creativity in the context of providing solutions to open problems. Inter-rater reliability (IRR) is the primary metric the researchers used to measure this creativity. They seek to utilize the capability of analogous situations to providing solutions. They take advantage of the increase in popularity of crowdsourcing to…
Eddy Powell_Two Initial Ideas + Intro
(1) Generating Interactive Tutorials of Online Tasks by Demonstration- The idea of this project is to create effortless interactive tutorials, primarily with those of low digital literacy in mind. There will be two roles: a helper and a user. The helper will go through the online web task themself. From this, data will be collected…