The Algorithms That Make You Think workshop is presented by the Virginia Tech Center for Human-computer Interaction, and co-sponsored by the Department of Computer Science, the Center for Humanities, and the Discovery Analytics Center.
Workshop Chairs

Steering Committee
Chris North, Associate Director of Discovery Analytics Center, Dept. of Computer Science
Doug Bowman, Director of Center for Human Computer Interaction, Dept. of Computer Science
Sylvester Johnson, Director of the Center for Humanities
The Social Informatics group of Virginia Tech’s Center for Human Computer Interaction
Reading Group Chair
Andrea Kavanaugh, Associate Director of Center for Human Computer Interaction
Graduate Research Assistant
Timothy Stelter, Dept. of Computer Science
Administrative Support
Tabitha Hartman, Dept. of Computer Science
Holly Williams, Institute of Creativity, Arts, and Technology
Melissa Wyers, Institute of Creativity, Arts, and Technology