
Algorithms play an increasingly important role in shaping many aspects of our daily lives. What if human-algorithm communication were different? What if we purposely involve humans in the algorithmic decision making pipeline? What if we support human agency and traits in building and sustaining algorithmic data and decision systems? How can the inherent values of human critical thinking and creativity be incorporated into algorithms? How can we reconcile diverse perspectives and points of view about human-algorithm communication? How can we design effective human-machine collaborations for critical analysis?

The goal of this two-day workshop, held April-11-12, 2019 at Virginia Tech’s Center for Human-Computer Interaction (CHCI) in Blacksburg, Virginia,  is to find answers to these key questions pertaining to human-algorithmic interactions,  while bringing in scholarly expertise from a wide range of disciplines, including human-computer interaction, communication, law, and computer science. Therefore, a driving force behind this workshop is to encourage increased dialogue among researchers from different domain with intersecting interests in human-algorithm communication. Workshop outcomes may include system designs, best practices for ethical and responsible algorithm development, research and policy proposals, and publications and recommendations for building this area of research and practice.

Workshop Code of Conduct

  • Be nice!!
  • Be respectful of the diversity of disciplines represented
    • A n00b in machine learning can be an expert in ethics… who is the n00b now?
  • Avoid any comment that could mock or abuse a participant or presenter
  • Acknowledge that presenters have worked hard preparing their talks or posters and be respectful when asking questions
  • Don’t overpower the conversation
    • Give others a chance to speak, especially people from underrepresented groups and those whose speaking role might be affected by a power distance dimension
  • Of course, engage in healthy argumentation with solid claims and ideas.
  • Have fun, share knowledge, and learn something!