The Graduate Student and Self-Worth

A tea talk with some friends and family about the core of a graduate student’s being: Their self-worth, along with some research findings and personal reflections. We discuss subjects including work-life balance; the notions of success, pride, and guilt; dynamics with advisors; and social support.

Grad School and Mental Health

Grad School has become synonymous with having your mental health down the toilet. But, what is more dangerous is that this situation has become so normalized, people are practically blind to how serious it is. To make this more concrete, I decided to list some statistics about graduate students’ mental health: According to this source: […]

Is Feedback in Graduate Studies a Two-way Street?

Being a graduate student that has come back to academia after spending a long while in the industry, this question was one of the things that immediately struck me when contrasting between the two worlds. Many Tech corporates, such as Google and Microsoft, have an annual review process where the employees get to give feedback […]

MOOCs vs. Traditional Higher Education

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) have recently become popular, especially in the field of computer science. I myself have completed an ML course online before going back to school to do my PhD. However, opinions on MOOCs vary widely from zealous supporters to staunching opponents. Reading this article, the chasm becomes more pronounced in its […]

Open Access. Case Study: Journal of Machine Learning Research

Journal of Machine Learning (JMLR) is a US-published open-access peer-reviewed journal in the area of machine learning (ML). Its editor-in-chiefs span across multiple organizations. They are Columbia University in the USA, National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA) in France, and Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Intelligent Systems in Germany. The fact […]