Initial Project Idea

My name is Md Tahsin Tausif, but my friends call me Tausif. If I had to introduce myself, I guess it’s best to talk about what I am into. Computer Science is a passion of mine. I think other than hardware I’m interested in all the fields of Computer Science. Another passion of mine is Video games. I grew up playing video games and even now, no matter how busy life gets, I’m also finding enough time to spend playing video games and get lost in the world. Video games has inspired me to get into Computer Science in the first place. I’m also indulging myself into Anime, Cartoon, Movies, TV-series, Fictional Books and what not.

At the start of the semester it’s kind of hard to come up with what I want to work on. I’d like to explore more, the options I have, the fields I can work on etc. But if possible I’d like to work on that has something to do with Video games. In Social Computing, video games should have a special place as they are quite a popular example of groupware. I’d also love to work on the different features of social media. To be honest, at this point, I am still very undecided, but as the time goes, I think i will be able to come up with something that I’d like to work on. For now, my answer would be something related to video games.