4/22/2020 – Nurendra Choudhary – SOLVENT: A Mixed Initiative System for Finding Analogies Between Research Papers


SOLVENT aims to find analogies between research papers in different fields. E.g. simulated annealing in AI optimization is derived from metallurgy , Information foraging from Animal foraging. It aims to extract idea features from a research paper according to purpose-mechanism schema; Purpose: what they are trying to achieve, and  Mechanism: how they achieve that purpose. 

Research Papers cannot always be put into a purpose-mechanism schema due to Complex Language , Hierarchy of Problems and Mechanism vs Findings. Hence, the authors propose a Modified Annotation Scheme that includes; Background: Defines context of the problem, Purpose: Main problem being solved by the paper and Mechanism: The method developed to solve the problem and Findings: The conclusions of the research work In case of understanding type of papers, this section gives more information. Query the schema using cosine  similarity of tf-idf weighted average of word vectors. The authors scale up with crowd workers because expert annotation is prohibitively expensive. However, this shows a significant disagreement between crowd-workers and experts.


Amazing (nothing’s perfect right :P) balance between human annotation capabilities and AI’s analysis of huge information sources to solve the problem of analogy retrieval. Additionally, the paper shows a probable future of crowd-work where tasks are increasingly complex for regular human beings. We have discussed this evolution in several classes before this and the paper is a contemporary example of this move towards complexity. The study that shows its application in a real-world research team provides a great example that other research teams can borrow.

I would like a report of the performance of Knowledge Back+Purpose+Mechanism+Findings. I don’t understand the reason for its omission (probably space issues). The comparison baseline utilizes Abstract queries but a system can potentially have access to the entire paper. I think that would help with the comparative study. The researchers test out expert researchers and crowd workers. An analysis should be done on utilizing undergraduate/graduate students. As pointed out by the authors, the study set is limited due to the need of expert annotations. However, no diversity is seen in the fields of study. 

“Inspiration: find relevant research that can suggest new properties of polymers to leverage,or new techniques for stretching/folding or exploring 2D/3D structure designs”

Fields searched: materials science, civil engineering, and aerospace engineering.


  1. The paper shows the complexity of future crowd-work. Is the solution limited to area experts? Is there a way to simplify or better define the tasks for a regular crowd? If not, what is the limit of a regular crowd-worker’s potential?
  2. How important is finding such analogies in your research fields? Would you apply this framework in your research projects?
  3. Analogies are meant for easier understanding and inspiration. SOLVENT has a limited application in inspiring novel work. Do you agree? What could be a possible scenario where it inspires novel work?
  4. Compared to MTurk, Upwork workers show better agreement with researchers across the board. What do you think is the reason? When would you use MTurk vs UpWork? Do you think higher pay would proportionally improve the work quality as well?

Word Count: 532

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