2/19/20 – Jooyoung Whang – Updates in Human-AI Teams: Understanding and Addressing the Performance/Compatibility Tradeoff

According to the paper, most developers of classification or prediction systems focus on the quality of the predictions but not on the system’s team performance with the user. The authors of this paper introduce the problem that may occur according to the current model training loss criteria and provide new methods that address the problem. To develop a more advanced image of the users’ interactions with a classifier system, the authors develop a web-based game system called Caja and conduct a user study using the Amazon Mechanical Turk. They conclude that the increase in performance of the system does not necessarily mean that the team performance of the system with the users also increase. They also confirm that their proposed training method using the new loss function and a new concept called Dissonance improves team performance.

I liked the authors’ new perspective to human-AI collaboration and model training. Now that I think of it, not considering the users of the system during development is contradictory to what the system’s trying to achieve. One thing I was interested in and had thoughts about was their definition of Dissonance. The term is used to compare and link with the old model of a system with the new updated model in terms of user expectation. I saw that the term penalizes a system when the new system misclassifies for a set of input that the old model used to get right. However, what if the users of the old system made predictions according to how the system was wrong? This may be a weird concern and probably an edge case, but if the user made decisions based on the thought that the system was wrong all the time, the team performance of that that person with the updated model will always be worse even if the new system was trained with the suggested loss function.

The followings are the questions that I had while reading the paper:

1. As I have written in my reflection, do you think the new proposed training method will be effective if the users made decisions based on the idea that the system will be always wrong? Or, is this a too extreme and absurd thought?

2. The design of Caja ensures that the user can never arrive at the solution by him or herself because too much about the problem domain is hidden to the user. However, this is often not the case in real world scenarios. The user of the system is often also an expert of the related field. Does this reduce the quality and trustworthiness of the results of this research? Why or why not?

3. The research started from the idea that interaction with the users must be considered when making an update to an AI system. In this case, it was particularly for human-AI collaboration. What if it was the opposite? For example, there are AIs that are built to compete with humans like AlphaGo. These types of AIs are also developed with the goal of producing the most optimal solution to a given input without considering the interaction with the user. How can training be modified to include users for competing AIs?

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