Press release #9: Pass It On! Inc Has Initial Site Launch; Evaluation Beginning!

Blacksburg, VA, April 17, 2015: The team is proud to announce they have a high-­fidelity prototype up and running! They have been hard at work for the past week putting it together but it is now running albeit with some bugs. This is to be expected, but regardless the team is happy to be able to show off their vision for the site and are constantly working to make revisions. If you’re interested in viewing the current site go to: Please report any bugs or feedback at the following link:

“I’m really glad to be able to publicly demo our work so far. Actually having the site running really makes me feel a sense of accomplishment and I’m looking forward to hearing feedback from everyone” said Matthew Chittum.

Currently the team is making constant improvements to the site as quickly as possible in order for users to have the best experience possible. The team wants to improve the site as much as possible before beginning their evaluation next week. The team plans to improve the site based on initial feedback at least through the middle of next week before beginning their evaluation.

The team has plans to begin their evaluation next week to ensure they have time to reach out to as many evaluators as possible. They have plans to work with Dr. Horning, their sponsor, and his graduate students to provide the base evaluation. The team also has plans to recruit local participants using social media and is considering using crowdsourcing also if they cannot recruit enough participants.

The team was able to accomplish many of their goals despite the hard time frame pushed on them. However, these functionalities need to be further polished and developed. This coming week the main focus of the team will be form validation with warning modals, implementation of the review system, implementation of the scheduling system, implementing a search system, as well as the user management system. The system will continue to undergo revisions as we come closer to a final product.

Kurt Luther

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Virginia Tech

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