Hara, Le, and Froehlich developed an interface that uses Google Street View to identify accessibility issues in city sidewalks. They then perform a study using three researchers and 3 accessibility experts (wheelchair users) to evaluate their interface. This severed as both a way to assess usability issues with their interface as well as a ground truth to verify the results of their second study. That study involved launching crowdworking tasks to identify accessibility problems as well as categorizing what type each problem is. Over 7,517 Mechanical Turk HITs they found that crowdworkers could identify accessibility problems 80.6% of the time and could correctly classify the problem type 78.3% of the time. Combining their approach with a majority voting scheme, they raised these values to 86.9% and 83.8%.
Personal Reflection
Their first step to see if their solution was even feasible seemed like an odd study. Their users were research members and experts, both of which are theoretically more driven than a typical crowdworker. Furthermore, I felt like internal testing and piloting would be more appropriate than a soft-launch like this. While they do bring up that they needed a ground truth to contextualize their second study, I initially felt that this should then be performed by only experts and not as a complete preliminary study. However, as I read more of the paper, I felt that the comparison between the groups (experts vs. researchers) was relevant as it highlighted how wheelchair bound people and able-bodied people can see situations differently. They could not have collected this data on Mechanical Turk alone as they couldn’t guarantee that they were recruiting wheelchair bound participants otherwise.
It was also good to see the human-AI collaboration highlighted in this study. That they’re using the selection (and subsequent images generated by those selections) as training data for a machine learning algorithm, it should lessen the need for future work.
Their pay level also seemed very low at 1-5 cents per image. Even assuming a selection and classification takes only 10 seconds, their total page loading only takes 5 seconds, and they always get 5 cents per image, that’s $12 an hour for ideal circumstances.
The good part of this research is that it cheaply identifies problems quickly. This can be used to identify a large amount of issues and save time in deploying people to fix issues that are co-located in the same area rather than deploying people to find issues and then solve them with lesser potential coverage. It also solves a public need for a highly vulnerable population which makes their solution’s impact even better.
Lastly, it was good to see how the various levels of redundancy impacted their results. The falloff from increasing past 5 workers was harsher than I expected, and the increase in identification is likely not worth doubling the cost of these tasks.
- What other public needs could a Google Street View/crowdsourcing hybrid solve?
- What are the tradeoffs for the various stakeholders involved in solutions like this? (The people who need the fixes, the workers who typically had to identify these problems, the workers who are deployed to maintain the identified areas, and any others)
- Should every study measure the impact of redundancy? How might redundant workers affect your own projects?