03/04/20 – Sukrit Venkatagiri – Pull the Plug?

Paper: Danna Gurari, Suyog Jain, Margrit Betke, and Kristen Grauman. 2016. Pull the Plug? Predicting If Computers or Humans Should Segment Images. 382–391. 

This paper proposes a resource allocation framework for predicting how best to allocate a fixed budget of human annotation effort in order to collect higher quality segmentations for a given batch of images and methods. The framework uses a “pull-the-plug” model, predicting when to use human versus computer annotators. More specifically, the paper proposes a system that intelligently allocates computer effort to replace human effort for initial coarse segmentations. Second, it automatically identifies images to have humans re-annotate by predicting which of the images the automated methods did not segment well enough. This method could be used for a variety of uses cases, and the paper tests it on three datasets and 8 segmentation methods. The findings show that this method significantly outperformed prior work across a variety of metrics, ranging from quality prediction, initial segmentation, fine-grained segmentation, and cost.

Overall, this was an interesting paper to read that is largely focused on performance and accuracy. The paper shows that the methods are superior to prior work and is now the state of the art for image segmentation when it comes to these three datasets, and for saving costs. 

I wonder what this paper might have looked like if it was more focused on creativity and innovation, rather than performance and cost-savings. For example, in HCI there are studies of using crowds to generate ideas, solve mysteries, and critique designs. Perhaps this approach might be used in a way that humans and machines can provide suggestions and they build off of each other.

More specifically, related to this paper, I wonder how the results would generalize to datasets other than the three used here, or to real-world examples, for perhaps self-driving cars, etc. Certainly, a lot more work needs to be done, and the system would need to be real-time, meaning human computation might not be a feasible method for self-driving cars. Though, certainly they could be used for generating training dataset for self-driving car algorithms.

This entire approach relies on the proposed prediction module, and it would be interesting to explore other edge cases where the predictions are better made by humans rather than through machine intelligence.

Finally, the finding that the computer segmented images more similarly to experts than crowd workers was interesting, and I wonder why—was it because the computer algorithms were trained on expert-generated training sets? Perhaps the crowd workers would perform better over time or with training. In that case, the results might have been better overall when combining the two.


  1. How might you use this approach in your class project?
  2. Where does CV fail and where can humans augment it? What about the reverse?
  3. What are the limitations of a “pull-the-plug” approach, and how can they be overcome?
  4. Where else might this approach be used?

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