03/04/20 – Lulwah AlKulaib- SocialAltText


The authors propose a system to generate Alt text for images embedded in social media posts by utilizing crowd workers. Their goal is to have a better experience for the blind and visually impared (BVI) when using social media. Existing tools provide imperfect descriptions some by automatic caption generation, and others by object recognition. These systems are not enough as in many cases their results aren’t descriptive enough for BVI users. The authors study how crowdsourcing can be used for both:

  • evaluating the value provided of existing automated approaches
  • Enabling workflows that provide scalable and useful alt text for BVI users

They utilize real-time crowdsourcing to test experiments with varied depth levels of interaction of the crowd in assisting visually impaired users. They show the shortcomings of existing AI image captioning systems and compare them with their method. The paper suggests two experiences:

  • TweetTalk: is a conversational assistant workflow.
  • Structured Q&A: that builds upon and enhances the state of the art generated captions.

They evaluated the conversational assistant with 235 crowdworkers. They evaluated 85 tweets for the baseline image caption, each tweet was evaluated 3 times with a total of 255 evaluations.


The paper presents a novel concept and their approach is a different take on utilizing crowdworkers. I believe that the experiment would have worked better if they tested it on some visually impared users. Since the crowdworkers hired were not visually impaired, it makes it harder to say that BVI users would have the same reaction. Since the study targets BVI users, they should have been the pool of testers. People interact with the same element in different ways and what they showed seemed too controlled. Also, the questions were not all the same for all images, which makes this harder to generalize. The presented model tries to solve a problem for social media photos and not having a plan to repeat for each photo might make interpreting images difficult. 

I appreciated the authors’ use of existing systems and their attempt at improving the AI generated captions. Their results obtain better accuracy compared to state of the art work.

I would have loved seeing how different social media applications measured compared with each other. Since different applications vary in how they present photos. Twitter for example gives a limited amount of character count while Facebook could present more text which might help BVI users in understanding the image better. 

In the limitations section, the authors mention that human in the loop workflows raise privacy concerns and that the alt text would generalize to friendsourcing and utilizing social network users. I wonder how that generalizes to social media applications in real time. And how reliable would friendsourcing be for BVI users.


  • What are improvements that you would suggest to better the TweetTalk experiment?
  • Do you know of any applications that use human in the loop in real time?
  • Would you have any privacy concerns if one of the social media applications integrated a human in the loop approach to help BVI users?

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