02/26/20 – Myles Frantz – Will You Accept an Imperfect AI? Exploring Designs for Adjusting End-user Expectations of AI Systems


Though Machine Learning techniques have advanced greatly within the past few years, human perception on the technology may severely limit the adoption and usage of the technology. To further study how to better encourage and describe the process of using this technology, this team has created a Scheduling Assistant to better monitor and elicit how users would tune and react to from different expectations. Tuning the expectations of the AI (Scheduling Assistant) via a slider (from “Fewer detections” on the left to “More detections” on the right) directly altering the false positive and false negative settings in the AI. This direct feedback loop gave users (mechanical turk workers) more confidence and a better understanding of how the AI works. Though given the various variety of users, having an AI focused on High Precision was not the  best general setting for the scheduling assistant.


I like this kind of raw collaboration between the user and the Machine Learning system. This tailors the algorithm explicitly to the tendencies and mannerisms of each user, allowing easier customization and thus a higher likelihood of usage. This is supported due to the team’s Research hypothesis: “H1.1 An AI system focused on High Precision … will result in higher perceptions of accuracy …”. In this example each user (mechanical turk worker) was only using the subset of Enron emails to confirm or deny the meeting suggestions. Speculating further, this type of system being used in an expansive system across many users, being able to tune the AI would greatly encourage use.

I also strongly agree with the slider bar for ease of use tuning by the individual. In this format the user does not neat to have great technological skill to be able to use it, and it is relatively fast to use. Having it within the same system easily reachable also ensures a better connection between the user and the AI.


  • I would like to see a greater (and or a beta) study done with a giant email provider. Each email provider likely has their own homegrown Machine Learning model, however providing the capabilities to further tune their own AI for their preferences and tendencies would be a great improvement. The only issue would be with the scalability and providing enough services to make this work for all the users.
  • In tuning the ease of access and usability, I would like to see a study done comparing the different types of interaction tools (sliders, buttons, likert scale settings, etc.…). There likely is a study done about the effectiveness of each type of interaction tool upon a system, however in the context of AI settings it is imperative to have the best tool. This would hopefully be an adopted standard that would be an easy to use tool accessible by everyone.
  • Following along with the first question, I would like to see this kind of study provided to an internal mailing system, potentially at an academic level. Though this was studied with 150 mechanical turk workers and 400 internally provided workers, this was based on a sub-sample on the Enron email dataset. Providing this as a live-beta test in a widely and actively used email system with live emails would be a true test that I would like to see.

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