01/22/20 – Rohit Kumar Chandaluri – Ghost Work

There is a lot of work going on in the present technologies with out us knowing about them like identifying hate speech or abusive speech etc. All this work is done by a computer software which we call it as Artificial Intelligence. It is hard for a software alone to classify all the possible scenarios in the world to hate speech or not. So, we train the software by providing it with some sample data and labels telling this sentence is hate speech and this is not. This data that is required by the software is provided by humans, so for a software to evolve like a human robot it requires the intervention of humans for it to develop. The chapters provided explain how these data labelling is achieved and how did jobs like crowdsourcing and Mtruck developed in the course of 10 years. It also explains how these jobs help software systems to evolve, and how these jobs are paid on contract basis. There are no legal laws that bind these jobs to provide basic necessities like health insurance, food etc., the pay for the job is decided by supply of labor for that job and in some cases the pay will be less than the minimum pay required. The chapters also explain how macro and micro jobs get crowdsources for very low payments making the jobs expand to any kind of area.

The chapters brought about interesting topic on how crowd source can be used for very low prices. And it is also interesting to see people making living out of these kinds of jobs. It was true that the jobs are interesting and not mundane as you change your job for each different task which makes your like non mundane. The chapters didn’t explain how the crowd source work is validated, which I am interested to learn about. It is interesting to learn that we can break a big task into small micro or macro tasks and get them done at a very cheaper price using crowdsourcing. It was interesting to learn that there are internal crowd source jobs that exist in companies like Microsoft, Google etc.

  1. Will the jobs like these develop more and cause full time jobs at stake as these kinds of jobs can be used for any areas like education (projects, assignments) and even macro tasks in the big projects?
  2. How are people making a living out of these jobs by getting paid less than minimum wage, there are people who just do these jobs?
  3. How is validation of these jobs getting done, how can you make sure that the task completed by the crowd source worker was good?
  4. As the crowd source jobs are helping create automated software’s which will remove jobs of the people who are doing it as of now, it will also remove the jobs of simple tasks in crowd sources too as once the software is developed to uncover corner scenarios we need experts which only few people will be eligible. Is crowd source creating jobs or removing them?

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