8/31 Reading Reflection – Is it really about me?

Naaman, Mor, Jeffrey Boase, Chih-Hui Lai. “Is it really about me? Message Content in Social Awareness Streams.” ACM Digital Library, ACM, dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1718953. Accessed 30 Aug. 2017.



In the paper “Is it really about me? Message Content in Social Awareness Streams.” the content of messages posted on twitter from over 350 twitter users is analyzed and ran through human coding and quantitative analysis to try and give a deeper understanding to the users of Twitter. The analysis from the paper showed that there were two common types of user behavior when writing a message on Twitter: Those who mostly talked about themselves and their lives and those who mostly talked about and shared information on other things. Furthermore the paper found that users who shared information on things other than their own lives generally had more followers and were more active.



This paper is very similar to the previous one “Why we Twitter”. It differentiates somewhat in how they gather the user data and what they are looking for in the user activity. Interestingly, this paper decides that there are only two common types of user behavior where “Why we Twitter” thought there were three types of user intention. However, it could be argued that there is a difference between “behavior” and “intention”. Especially when the “user behavior” researched in this paper refers specifically to posted content and the “user intention” in “Why we Twitter” refers to activity on Twitter as a whole.



  • What are some of the more uncommon user behaviors?
  • Which form of common user behavior would be more useful for what kinds of Twitter research?
  • Will there be more than two common user behaviors in the future?


Chris Rocconi. Computer Science Major.

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