The Ambiguity of Creating Creative Products

Creative Computing has given me the opportunity to build a creative utility. I had one goal going into this semester in this course and that was to build a device that I could use every day. Even though, many of my peers were aiming for games or visualizers there is only so much of a…

UI/UX design with Pair Programming

This semester has allowed my teammates and I to develop further skills on UI/UX designs throughout this semester. We’ve used concepts such as UI (User Interface) design and UX(User Experience). Throughout the semester we’ve had a major setback that led to our team being slightly behind schedule. Without the power of these design concepts we…

Jose Zurita Introduction

Jose Zurita is currently a senior at Virginia Tech. Some of his hobbies include working out, reading, hiking, and listening to music. These hobbies of his are what his passionate about or what he “geeks” out about. He invests time on researching about the mechanics of different workouts and learning about different nutrition and diets…

Jose Zurita’s two initial ideas

Idea #1: my first initial idea was having a shifting puzzle that had a time complexity. The longer the player takes to solve the puzzle or maze the harder it becomes. As the player advances different levels appear and the time complexity becomes shorter and shorter. So for example, imagine if you had to solve…