The article for today was “Harnessing the Wisdom of Crowds in Wikipedia: Quality Through Coordination,” a work by Carnegie Mellon researchers Kittur and Kraut. This paper was concerned with the editing process of a Wikipedia article. One of the most appealing features of Wikipedia is that anyone can edit an article on the site. As…
Donghan Hu Reflection 5
Why it works (when it works): success factors in online creative collaboration Kurt Luther, Kelly Caine, Kevin Ziegler, and Amy Bruckman. 2010. Why it works (when it works): success factors in online creative collaboration. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Supporting group work (GROUP ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1-10. DOI:…
Harnessing the Wisdom of Crowds in Wikipedia: Quality Through Coordination
Summary: As the world’s largest online encyclopedia, countless users retrieve information its articles. Its success demonstrates one of the many conveniences brought. Its effectiveness can be measured or illustrated by the quality of its articles. When an article is inevitably contributed by many contributors and editors, a common expectation or danger is the decreased effectiveness…
Collaboration = Cooperation + Coordination + ___
Reflection on Luther, K., Caine, K., Ziegler, K., & Bruckman, A. (2010, November). Why it works (when it works): Success factors in online creative collaboration. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Supporting group work (pp. 1-10). ACM. Summary: The paper presents a study of online collaboration to create animated movies (called “collabs”) which were…
Reflection 4 – Spencer Jenkins
The paper for this session was “WeBuild: Automatically Distributing Assembly Tasks Among Collocated Workers to Improve Coordination,” a collaborative work between AutoDesk Research and UC San Diego from Fraser et al. The paper concerns itself with the design of a system to facilitate assembly tasks that require multiple workers. Though the potential applications for such…
Edward Powell – Reflection 3
Reflection 3 In this paper, the author developed a tool, IMAXES, that allows users to create visualizations of data in old and new ways by manipulating axes using a hand controller. The formation of the visualizations utilizes a set grammar that the authors developed which allows for deterministic and declarative outputs. They test their novel…
WeBuild: Automatically Distributing Assembly Tasks Among Collocated Workers to Improve Coordination
Summary: The paper presents a task distribution system – WeBuild. As physical building tasks often requires coordination among multiple workers, one of the problems often occurred is that a large chunk of time is wasted on coordination process such as distributing main task into subtasks, assigning subtasks to individuals, etc. WeBuild takes the advantage of…
Donghan Hu Reflection 4
Crowdsourced Fabrication C. Ailie Fraser, Tovi Grossman, and George Fitzmaurice. 2017. WeBuild: Automatically Distributing Assembly Tasks Among Collocated Workers to Improve Coordination. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1817-1830. DOI: Summary: There are many existed challenges in current large-scale fabrication. The organization,…
Reflection 4 – Omar Faruqi
Summary The authors of this research paper devised an app that allows users to plan collaborative tasks automatically. The app assigns subtasks to the group taking into account dependencies and the skill-level of each member of the group. The researchers found that the app reduces startup time quite considerably. Reflection One key feature of this…
Revisiting Collaboration
Reflection on: Fraser, C. A., Grossman, T., & Fitzmaurice, G. (2017, May). WeBuild: Automatically distributing assembly tasks among collocated workers to improve coordination. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1817-1830). ACM. Summary: The paper sets out a goal to improve group efficiency and coordination by developing a system that…