Reflection 8 – Spencer Jenkins

The paper under discussion for this session was “From Diversity to Creativity: Stimulating Group Brainstorming with Cultural Differences and Conversationally-Retrieved Pictures,” a 2011 work from Wang et al. at Cornell University. As the title suggests, this paper was interested in investigating the process of group brainstorming. One of the main goals of brainstorming is to…

Edward Powell – Reflection 8

In this reading, the authors measure the effects of diversity on group collaboration for generation ideas. They break down diversity into two major categories: internal and external. For external diversity they utilize pictures generated based on the current conversation that were either based on two of their methods of semantic and congruent. And for internal…

Reflection 8 – Omar Faruqi

Summary The paper categorizes the two forms of diversity and studies how brainstorming is affected by internal and externals diversity. The paper finds that brainstorming is positively affected by external stimuli as well as cultural diversity. Reflection The paper examines how diversity can affect the outcomes of brainstorming. It states that there are different forms…

Edward Powell – Reflection 7

Aaron Hertzmann, is a researcher for Adobe, a former professor, and an amateur artist. This reading was more blog style and mostly reflections about AI in the art realm. There are three major parts. In part one, the author describes briefly photography’s role historically in the art world. Then, in part two, the author argues…

From Diversity to Creativity: Stimulating Group Brainstorming with Cultural Differences and Conversationally-Retrieved Pictures

Summary Group brainstorming is what the authors believe to be effective for idea generation. It resolves the cognitive bottleneck of idea generation through social means. The collaboration between individuals broadens the knowledge base and allows for aggerated creative effort. Yet, the effectiveness of group brainstorming varies by individual differences. This is because empirical studies have…

Reflection #8 – [04/09] – Viral Pasad

“From Diversity to Creativity: Stimulating Group Brainstorming with Cultural Differences and Conversationally-Retrieved Pictures. Hao-Chuan Wang, Susan R. Fussell, Dan Cosley. This study classifies the two forms of diversity and explains how brainstorming is affected by internal and externals diversity. The authors discuss how brainstorming is positively affected by external stimuli as well as cultural diversity….

Donghan Hu Reflection 7

DreamSketch: Early Stage 3D Design Explorations with Sketching and Generative Design Rubaiat Habib Kazi, Tovi Grossman, Hyunmin Cheong, Ali Hashemi, and George Fitzmaurice. 2017. DreamSketch: Early Stage 3D Design Explorations with Sketching and Generative Design. In Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology(UIST ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 401-414….

Can Computers Create Art – Aaron Hertzmann

Summary The three-part articles are interesting and well-written. Starting with the most technology-driven art form – photograph, Aaron first talks about how photography becomes an art form through history. As the everlasting pursuit for realism through out history, painters were the only source that human could recreate the real world. However, this case was soon…

Omar Faruqi – Reflection 7

Summary The paper discusses the invention of cameras and how it disrupted the artworld. Painters no longer focused on realism since they deemed it the domain of photography and instead focused on abstraction. With the popularity of AI, questions have risen whether works produced by AI technologies constitute as artwork. Reflection I found the article…