Not exactly Aakash’s alone though …
Idea 1: Making micro-tasks attainable to semi-literate/illiterate population
There are various types of micro-tasks – some are complex and require extensive reading and writing while others are simpler and could potentially be completed by illiterate population. I want to see if we can formulate a process by using audio and visual instructions (in native language) to make the simpler tasks attainable to such a population. This requires identifying what constitutes “simpler” micro-tasks, ways in which we can record interactive tutorials, and overlay those tutorials on top of the tasks.
Idea 2: Expanding creative expression in knitting by providing step-by-step instructions to create knitting patterns or motifs

My research involves a group of women who create handicraft including knitting scarfs. I want to see if we can develop an algorithmic solution that would provide step-by-step instruction on how to knit a particular knitting pattern or a motif. We could begin with a single-colored thread and allow users to draw a shape and our system would generate instructions to knit such a shape.
Image: Example of a knitting pattern
(Source: Bernasconi, A., Bodei, C., & Pagli, L. (2007, June). Knitting for fun: a recursive sweater. In International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (pp. 53-65). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
I have zero knitting skills. I am fairly comfortable using Python and working on web technologies (Node.js or PHP).