Planet Purifiers: A Collaborative Immersive Experience Proposing New Modifications to HOMER and Fishing Reel Interaction Techniques

This project presents our solution to the 2025 3DUI Contest challenge!

We developed a collaborative, immersive experience that raises awareness about trash pollution in natural landscapes. In our experience, one user collects harmful pollutants while the other user provides medication to impacted wildlife using enhancements to traditional interaction techniques: HOMER and Fishing Reel. We enhanced HOMER to use a cone volume to reduce the precise aiming required by a selection raycast for more efficient pollutant collection, coined as FLOW-MATCH. To feed wildlife far away from the user, we created RAWR-XD, an asymmetric bi-manual technique to more conveniently adjust the Fishing Reel reeling speed using the user’s non-selecting wrist rotation.

3D interaction techniques proposed in the paper: (A1-A3) FLOW-MATCH, an enhancement to the HOMER technique using a cone volume for initial object selection to improve selection efficiency; (B1-B3) RAWR-XD, an enhancement to the Fishing Reel technique allowing variable translation speed based on the non-selecting wrist tilt for a selected object along a ray-cast.

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