The 3DI group congratulates Doug Bowman for receiving the Career Impact Award from the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). The award is given in recognition of researchers that provided a significant impact on the conference community over the course of their careers. ISMAR is the premier international conference for research in mixed and augmented reality.
Doug A. Bowman is the Frank J. Maher Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Center for Human-Computer Interaction at Virginia Tech. He is the principal investigator of the 3D Interaction Group, focusing on the topics of three-dimensional user interfaces, VR/AR user experience, and the benefits of immersion in virtual environments.
Dr. Bowman is one of the co-authors of 3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practice. He has served in many roles for the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, including program chair, general chair, and steering committee chair. He also co-founded the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (now part of IEEE VR). He received a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation for his work on 3D Interaction, and has been named an ACM Distinguished Scientist. He received the Technical Achievement award from the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee in 2014.
Congratulations, Doug! We all look up to you and appreciate all your dedication!