
Traditional menu designs are not well-suited for command selection on distant displays. We describe a new interaction technique called the “roll-and-pinch menu” (rapMenu), and investigate the design space of remote menu selection using freehand gestural input. The rapMenu maps intuitive hand postures and gestures to a radial menu layout at two levels of granularity: the user rolls her hand to alter the wrist orientation, which makes a group of menu items selectable; then she touches her thumb to a particular finger (forming a pinch gesture) to select a specific item in that group. We present the visual design and behavior of the rapMenu, consider related design issues, examine design variations, and discuss the strengths and limitations of our approach.

The rapMenu maps palm orientation to a group of menu items (as if the user’s hand were rotating around the outside of the radial menu), and pinch gestures (thumb pinches to one of the other fingers) to corresponding items. It affords an intuitive, fast and reliable way to make menu selection with freehand.

Journal Articles

Tao Ni; Doug A Bowman; Chris North; Ryan P McMahan

Design and evaluation of freehand menu selection interfaces using tilt and pinch gestures Journal Article

In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 69, pp. 551 - 562, 2011, ISSN: 10715819.

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Tao Ni; Ryan P McMahan; Doug A Bowman

Tech-note: rapMenu: Remote Menu Selection using Freehand Gestural Input Conference

Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, 2008.


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