CLUE HOG: An Immersive Competitive Lock-Unlock Experience using Hook On Go-Go Technique for Authentication in the Metaverse

This project presents our solution to the 2023 3DUI Contest challenge. Our goal was to provide an immersive VR experience to engage users in privately securing and accessing information in the Metaverse while improving authentication-related interactions inside our virtual environment. To achieve this goal, we developed an authentication method that uses a virtual environment’s individual assets as security tokens. To improve the token selection process, we introduce the HOG interaction technique. HOG combines two classic interaction techniques, Hook and Go-Go, and improves approximate object targeting and further obfuscation of user password token selections.

We created an engaging mystery-solving mini-game to demonstrate our authentication method and interaction technique. Click here to download the game and experience it using your own devices!

3DUI authentication virtual environment with HOG interaction technique used in this paper: (A) Selectable authentication token highlighted. (B) Authentication token highlight on selection. (C) The updated virtual environment on successful authentication with verified token highlights.
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