TVCG Publication – Exploring the Evolution of Sensemaking Strategies in Immersive Space To Think

September 21, 2022

The 3DI Group would like to congratulate Kylie Davidson, Lee Lisle, Kirsten Whitley, Doug Bowman, and Chris North for the successful publication of their paper titled Exploring the Evolution of Sensemaking Strategies in Immersive Space to Think in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) journal.

The work explores participant sensemaking during a multi-session user study. The abstract of the paper follows:

“Existing research on immersive analytics to support the sensemaking process focuses on single-session sensemaking tasks. However, in the wild, sensemaking can take days or months to complete. In order to understand the full benefits of immersive analytic systems, we need to understand how immersive analytic systems provide flexibility for the dynamic nature of the sensemaking process. In our work, we build upon an existing immersive analytic system – Immersive Space to Think, to evaluate how immersive analytic systems can support sensemaking tasks over time. We conducted a user study with eight participants with three separate analysis sessions each. We found significant differences between analysis strategies between sessions one, two, and three, which suggest that immersive space to think can benefit analysts during multiple stages in the sensemaking process.”

A preprint of the paper is available here.