3DI Group Publications in IEEE VR 2021

March 22, 2021

VR 21 in Lisbon, but remote

As is the tradition, the 3D interaction group will be attending the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, to be held in the week of March 28th. This year’s conference will once again be held online, due to the coronavirus pandemic. On the right, we leave a picture of beautiful Lisbon, where the conference would have been held. We are confident and hopeful that next year we will be able to go back to meeting in person!

For this year’s conference, we are proud to announce that we got 8 publications accepted into the proceedings! Here are the works we will be presenting:

  • Feiyu Lu, and Doug Bowman have a conference paper entitled Evaluating the Potential of Glanceable AR Interfaces in Authentic Everyday Uses based on their work on the GlanceableAR project. This paper will be presented during the session Augmented Reality on Monday, March 29, 12:00 (Lisbon time). Check out a video teaser on Youtube.
  • Lei Zhang and Doug Bowman have a workshop paper entitled Designing immersive virtual reality stories with rich characters and high interactivity to promote learning of complex immunology concepts based on their work on exploring levels of storytelling on learning. This paper will be presented at KELVAR Workshop on Friday, April 2, 16:00 (Lisbon time).
  • Cory Ilo, Waylon Zeng, and Doug Bowman have a poster entitled Virtual Loupes: An Augmented Reality Aid for Microsurgery. This poster will be presented throughout the conference. Check out a teaser video on Youtube.
  • Feiyu Lu has a Doctoral Consortium poster entitled Glanceable AR: Towards an Always-on Augmented Reality Future based on his work on the glanceable AR project. This poster will be presented throughout the conference.

Congratulations to all the authors, and hope we all have a wonderful (and productive) conference!

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