Inspired by the current generation of “natural user interface” technologies, we designed a set of tools for 3D point cloud annotation based on free-hand gesture input. Our techniques include a chef’s knife metaphor to cut the point cloud and swipe away unwanted parts, a resizable volumetric cursor to specify complex 3D shapes, and a lasso tool to draw a selection outline. These tools are used interchangeably through progressive refinement to allow the user to specify points of interest and annotate.
Inspired by the current generation of “natural user interface” technologies, we designed a set of tools for 3D point cloud annotation based on free-hand gesture input. Our techniques include a chef’s knife metaphor to cut the point cloud and swipe away unwanted parts, a resizable volumetric cursor to specify complex 3D shapes, and a lasso tool to draw a selection outline. These tools are used interchangeably through progressive refinement to allow the user to specify points of interest and annotate.