Novel 3D Interaction Techniques for Analyzing Volume Data

Manual and automatic segmentation of raw volumetric data is a very time consuming but important process for volume data analysis. We propose to create a suite of 3D interaction tools for interactive coarse segmentation of raw volumetric datasets, aimed at cutting down the time for initial segmentation drastically, to just a few minutes. We outline our plans to evaluate these different 3D interaction tools for the various tasks performed by scientists for analyzing volume datasets, by leveraging a generic task taxonomy mapping the tasks for volume data analysis from various scientific domains. Based on our research findings, we plan to design semi-immersive workstations packaged with our suite of 3D interaction tools for improving the effectiveness of volume data analysis.


Bireswar Laha; Doug A Bowman

Design of the Bare-Hand Volume Cracker for Analysis of Raw Volumetric Data Conference

IEEE VR Workshop on Immersive Volume Interaction (WIVI), Minneapolis, MN, 2014.


Bireswar Laha; Doug A Bowman

Interactive Coarse Segmentation and Analysis of Volume Data with a Suite of 3D Interaction Tools Conference

IEEE VR Workshop on Immersive Volume Interaction (WIVI), Orlando, FL, 2013.



Bireswar Laha; Doug A Bowman

Volume Cracker: A Bimanual 3D Interaction Technique for Analysis of Raw Volumetric Data Proceedings


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