Learning with Locations in VR

We are investigating how people use space and locations to help them learn in virtual environments, and whether learners can take advantage of 3D layouts to help understand information. Although complex arrangements of information within 3D space can potentially allow for large amounts of information to be presented, accessing this information can become more difficult due to increased navigational challenges. This work is also concerned with further understanding the effects of a virtual environment’s level of spatial fidelity, involving the distinction between physical and virtual 3D space.

Journal Articles

Eric D Ragan; Doug A Bowman; Karl J Huber

Supporting Cognitive Processing with Spatial Information Presentations in Virtual Environments Journal Article

In: Virtual Reality, 2012, ISSN: 1359-4338.

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Eric D Ragan; Karl Huber; Bireswar Laha; Doug A Bowman

The Effects of Navigational Control and Environmental Detail on Learning in 3D Virtual Environments Conference

IEEE Virtual Reality, Costa Mesa, California, 2012.


Eric D Ragan; Alex Endert; Doug A Bowman; Francis Quek

How Spatial Layout, Interactivity, and Persistent Visibility Affect Learning with Large Displays Conference

International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, AVI 2012, 2012.


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