“The Promise and Peril of Real-Time Corrections to Political Misperceptions” Garrett and Weeks are finding ways to respond to inaccurate political claims online. “A Parsimonious Language Model of Social Media Credibility Across Disparate Events” Mitra, Wright, and Gilbert are using language analysis to predict the credibility of Twitter posts. Garrett and Weeks rightfully point out […]
Antisocial Behavior
Title: Antisocial Behavior in Online Discussion Communities. Cheng et al. are exploring the dynamics of large online communities with members behaving undesirably. The authors only looked into three news websites to learn about antisocial behavior. While each site has their own target audience to set it apart, there may be little other variation among them. […]
Language in Social Media
The Language that Gets People to Give: Phrases that Predict Success on Kickstarter Mitra and Gilbert are investigating how and why certain crowd funding projects succeed or fail. One of the first interesting points I found were what metrics of a project were targeted for analysis. Mitra and Gilbert look specifically at accurately predicting project […]
Social Science, Statistics, Ethics
Boyd and Crawford are looking into the benefits and downfalls that come about from the usage of Big Data. This is a worthy discussion because there are high expectations and wild assumptions being made by the public about Big Data.