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Beginning to Leave

Travel is one of the few truly exceptional parts of life. And it stands apart from others such as friendship, family, love, accomplishment, or performance. Every one of those is crafted either on your own, or with someone close to
Do What You Like: the Separation of Teaching and Research
I have a major request for change in higher education: that professors have more choice over what primary responsibilities they have: teaching or research. This lets them be free to pursue the direction that interests them the most. This is
A conversation with a President
Until this semester, I have rarely talked with my uncle about his job. I didn’t really understand the many responsibilities and interactions that he would oversee as president of a college. But this has changed significantly since the Preparing the
Opening the “Canned” Curriculum and Critical Pedagogy
I am surprised that the open educational resources (OER) movement has taken so long to take hold. Having the involvement of the students and other teachers in the course’s materials would give continual improvements. Students have the ability to directly
Critical Pedagogy
Our table made a cognitive mapping of what we think Critical Pedagogy means to each of us. Critical Pedagogy (Table 5) In case the image hosting or post is not working, this is the cognitive map I came up
Open Access, Academic Publishing, and the HCIS journal
The foundational pillars of the Internet have been under attack from many different sources. Tim Burner’s Lee never wanted his creation to create divisions between people, to spread false information, to invade privacy, or to charge for access to public
What is the Difference?
I actually don’t remember that much about 9/11, compared to many of my classmates. Memory just wasn’t a strong suit of my 8-year-old self growing up in Missouri, and it still isn’t today. Back then, there wasn’t a screen in
Consequences of Competition
Everyone that I know has at least heard of, or lived through, the sibling rivalry. I am the little brother, the position that is simultaneously protected from, pulled into, and resented for any trouble. But my brothers and I didn’t
Ethical Mentoring is Good Mentoring

The book Adviser, Teacher, Role Model, Friend: On Being a Mentor to Students in Science and Engineering is an excellent primer on how to be an effective and ethical mentor to students. It highlights that being a mentor (or faculty