
rlogin.cs.vt.edu is a multi-machine system running Linux to provide computational support for Computer Science instruction.


rlogin.cs.vt.edu is intended for instructional use by Computer Science majors and non-CS majors taking a CS class only. Any unauthorized use may be interupted without notice.


A Computer Science login is required. Computer Science majors should get an account during orientation or during thier first courses. Non-CS majors taking a CS course should be directed by their instructor on how to create a CS account. All access is via encrypted SSH.


Having trouble accessing rlogin.cs.vt.edu? If you are unable to connect to rlogin.cs.vt.edu, try disconnecting your session and reconnecting to get assigned to a different node. Also try checking the “real-time status” link at the top to see if there are any current problems. The cluster uses firewall rules to help block brute force attacks, see the “Policies” page for more information. If you continue having trouble, email techstaff@cs.vt.edu for assistance.


Each node runs 64bit CentOS Linux. Standard GNU licenced programming langauges and environments are available as well as Sun Java, Fortran, and OpenMPI.

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