Investigating Professional Analyst Strategies in Immersive Space to Think
K. Davidson, L. Lisle, I. A. Tahmid, K. Whitley, C. North and D. A. Bowman
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

Human–machine partnerships at the exascale: exploring simulation ensembles through image databases
Mai Dahshan, Nicholas Polys, Leanna House, Chris North, Ryan M. Pollyea, Terece L. Turton, and David H. Rogers
Journal of Visualization

Systematic investigation of inadequate food access at a large southeastern land grant university
Ralph P. Hall, Jessica Agnew, Wei Liu, Lana Petrie, and Chris North

Evaluating Navigation and Comparison Performance of Computational Notebooks on Desktop and in Virtual Reality
Sungwon In, Eric Krokos, Kirsten Whitley, Chris North, Yalong Yang
CHI ’24: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

ImageSI: Semantic Interaction for Deep Learning Image Projections
Jiayue Lin, Rebecca Faust, Chris North

Multiple Monitors or Single Canvas? Evaluating Window Management and Layout Strategies on Virtual Displays
Leonardo Pavanatto, Feiyu Lu, Chris North, Doug A. Bowman
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2024

Space to Teach: Content-Rich Canvases for Visually-Intensive Education
Jesse Harden, Nurit Kirshenbaum, Roderick Tabalba, RyanTheriot, Michael Rogers, Mahdi Belcaid, Chris North, Luc Renambot, Lance Long, Andrew Johnson, and Jason Leigh
EDUVIS Workshop at IEEE VIS 2024

Visualizing Spatial Semantics of Dimensionally Reduced Text Embeddings
Wei Liu, Chris North, Rebecca Faust
NLVIZ Workshop at IEEE VIS 2024

Visualizing Temporal Topic Embeddings with a Compass
Daniel Palamarchuk, Lemara Williams, Brian Mayer, Thomas Danielson, Rebecca Faust, Larry Deschaine, Chris North
IEEE VIS 2024, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

Steering LLM Summarization with Visual Workspaces for Sensemaking
Xuxin Tang, Eric Krokos, Can Liu, Kirsten Whitley, Naren Ramakrishnan, Chris North
NLVIZ Workshop at IEEE VIS 2024
Aardvark: Comparative Visualization of Data Analysis Scripts
Rebecca Faust, Carlos Scheidegger, Chris North
IEEE Visualization in Data Science (VDS) Symposium 2023
Different realities: a comparison of augmented and virtual reality for the sensemaking process
Lee Lisle, Kylie Davidson, Edward J. K. Gitre, Chris North
Frontiers in Virtual Reality, Vol 4, 2023
DRGCODER: Explainable Clinical Coding for the Early Prediction of Diagnostic-Related Groups
Daniel Hajialigol, Derek Kaknes, Tanner Barbour, Daphne Yao, Chris North, Jimeng Sun, David Liem, Xuan Wang
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP): System Demonstrations
Evaluating Differences in Insights from Interactive Dimensionality Reduction Visualizations Through Complexity and Vocabulary
Mia Taylor, Lata Kodali, Leanna House, Chris North
International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications 2023 (IVAPP)
Evaluating the Feasibility of Predicting Information Relevance During Sensemaking with Eye Gaze Data
Ibrahim A. Tahmid, Lee Lisle, Kylie Davidson, Kirsten Whitley, Chris North, Doug A. Bowman
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2023 (ISMAR)
Explainable Interactive Projections of Images
Huimin Han, Rebecca Faust, Brian Felipe Keith Norambuena, Jiayue Lin, Song Li, Chris North
Machine Vision and Applications, 34:100, 2023
Exploring the Evolution of Sensemaking Strategies in Immersive Space to Think
Kylie Davidson, Lee Lisle, Kirsten Whitley, Doug A. Bowman, Chris North
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ( Volume: 29, Issue: 12, December 2023)
Mixed Multi-Model Semantic Interaction for Graph-based Narrative Visualizations
Brian Felipe Keith Norambuena, Tanushree, Chris North
ACM Intelligent User Interfaces 2023 (IUI)
Multi-Focus Querying of the Human Genome Information on Desktop and in Virtual Reality: an Evaluation
Gunnar Reiske, Sungwon In, Yalong Yang
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2023 (ISMAR)
Reflecting on the Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment Team’s 20-Year Translational Research Endeavor in Digital Collaboration Tools
M. Belcaid, J. Leigh, R. Theriot, N. Kirshenbaum, R. Tabalba, M. Rogers, A. Johnson, M. Brown, L. Renambot, L. Long, A. Nishimoto, C. North, J. Harden
Computing in Science & Engineering, Vol 25, no 2, 2023
Spaces to Think: A Comparison of Small, Large, and Immersive Displays for the Sensemaking Process
Lee Lisle, Kylie Davidson, Leonardo Pavanatto, Ibrahim A. Tahmid, Chirs North, Doug A. Bowman
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2023 (ISMAR)
A Survey on Event-Based News Narrative Extraction
Brian Felipe Keith Norambuena, Tanushree Mitra, Chirs North
ACM Computing Surveys Volume 55 Issue 14s
There is no reason anybody should be using 1D anymore: Design and Evaluation of 2D Jupyter Notebooks
Jesse Harden, Elizabeth Christman, Nurit Kirshenbaum, Mahdi Belcaid, Jason Leigh, Chris North
Graphics Interface 2023
This is the Table I Want! Interactive Data Transformation on Desktop and in Virtual Reality
Sungwon In, Tica Lin, Chris North, Hanspeter Pfister, Yalong Yang
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2023 (TVCG), 30(8)
Towards Addressing Ambiguous Interactions and Inferring User Intent with Dimension Reduction and Clustering Combinations in Visual Analytics
John Wenskovitch, Michelle Dowling, and Chris North
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS), Vol 14, Issue 1, 2023
Uncovering Best Practices in Immersive Space to Think
Kylie Davidson, Lee Lisle, Ibrahim A Tahmid, Kirsten Whitley, Chris North, Doug A Bowman
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2023 (ISMAR)
Andromeda in the Classroom: Collaborative Data Analysis for 8th Grade Engineering Design
Mia Taylor, Danny Mathieson, Leanna House, Chris North
ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition 2022
Case Study Comparison of Computational Notebook Platforms for Interactive Visual Analytics
Han Liu, Chris North
Proceedings of Symposium on Visualization in Data Science 2022 (VDS)
Design guidelines for narrative maps in sensemaking tasks
Brian Felipe Keith Norambuena, Tanushree Mitra, Chris North
Information Visualization, 21(3), 2022
Evaluating the Benefits of Explicit and Semi-Automated Clusters for Immersive Sensemaking
Ibrahim A. Tahmid, Lee Lisle, Kylie Davidson, Chris North, Doug A. Bowman
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2022 (ISMAR)
Explainable Interactive Projections for Image Data
Huimin Han, Rebecca Faust, Brian Felipe Keith Norambuena, Ritvik Prabhu, Timothy Smith, Song Li, Chris North
Advances in Visual Computing: 17th International Symposium 2022 (ISVC)
Exploring Organization of Computational Notebook Cells in 2D Space
Jesse Harden, Elizabeth Christman, Nurit Kirshenbaum, John Wenskovitch, Jason Leigh, Chris North
IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 2022 (VL/HCC)
Interactive Deep Learning for Sorting Plant Images by Visual Phenotypes
Huimin Han, Ritvik Prabhu, Timothy Smith, Kshitiz Dhakal, Xing Wei, Song Li, and Chris North
NAPPN Annual Conference 2022
Interactive Visualization for Data Science Scripts
Rebecca Faust, Carlos Scheidegger, Katherine Isaacs, William Z. Bernstein, Michael Sharp, Chris North
IEEE Symposium on Visualization in Data Science 2022 (VDS)
Bridging cognitive gaps between user and model in interactive dimension reduction
Ming Wang, John Wenskovitch, Leanna House, Nicholas Polys, Chris North
Visual Informatics. 2021;53(2):13-25
DeepSI: Interactive Deep Learning for Semantic Interaction
Yali Bian, Chris North
26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’21)
Do we still need physical monitors? An evaluation of the usability of AR virtual monitors for productivity work
Leonardo Pavanatto, Chris North, Doug A. Bowman, Carmen Badea, Richard Stoakley
IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces 2021 (VR)
An Examination of Grouping and Spatial Organization Tasks for High-Dimensional Data Exploration
John Wenskovitch, Chris North
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ( Volume: 27, Issue: 2, February 2021)
Narrative Sensemaking: Strategies for Narrative Maps Construction
Brian Felipe Keith Norambuena, Tanushree Mitra, Chris North
IEEE Visualization Conference 2021 (VIS)
Semantic Explanation of Interactive Dimensionality Reduction
Yali Bian, Chris North, Eric Krokos, Sarah Joseph
IEEE Visualization Conference 2021 (VIS)
Sensemaking Strategies with Immersive Space to Think
Lee Lisle, Kylie Davidson, Edward J. K. Gitre, Chris North, Doug A. Bowman
IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces 2021 (VR)
Traces of Time through Space: Advantages of Creating Complex Canvases in Collaborative Meetings
Nurit Kirshenbaum, Kylie Davidson, Jesse Harden, Chris North
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 5, Issue ISS
Auto-Grading Jupyter Notebooks
H. Manzoor, A. Naik, C. Shaffer, C. North, S. Edwards
Proceedings of ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) 2020
Challenges in Evaluating Interactive Visual Machine Learning Systems
N. Boukhelifa, A. Bezerianos, R. Chang, C. Collins, S. Drucker, A. Endert, J. Hullman, C. North, M. Sedlmair
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications ( Volume: 40, Issue: 6, 01 Nov.-Dec. 2020)
CrowdTrace: Visualizing Provenance in Distributed Sensemaking
Tianyi Li, Yasmine Belghith, Chris North, Kurt Luther
IEEE Visualization Conference 2020 (VIS)
Evaluating the Benefits of the Immersive Space to Think
Lee Lisle, Xiaoyu Chen, J.K. Edward Gitre, Chris North, Doug A. Bowman
IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) 2020
Interactive Artificial Intelligence: Designing for the “Two Black Boxes” Problem
John Wenskovitch, Chris North
IEEE Computer ( Volume: 53, Issue: 8, August 2020)
Making Sense of Scientific Simulation Ensembles With Semantic Interaction
Dahshan M, Polys N, Jayne R, Pollyea R
Computer Graphics Forum. 2020;39.
Modelling the Effect of Computation Sampling on Insight Error in Computational Fluid Dynamics Scientific Simulation
Moeti Masiane, Eric Jacques, Wuchun Feng, Chris North
Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, Vol. 19 No. 1, 2020
NetReAct: Interactive Learning for Network Summarization
Sorour E. Amiri, Bijaya Adhikari, John Wenskovitch, Alexander Rodriguez, Michelle Dowling, Chris North, B. Aditya Prakash
With respect to what?: simultaneous interaction with dimension reduction and clustering projections
John Wenskovitch, Michelle Dowling, Chris North
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2020 (IUI)
Albireo: An Interactive Tool for Visually Summarizing Computational Notebook Structure
John Wenskovitch, Jian Zhao, Scott Carter, Matthew Cooper, Chris North
2019 IEEE Symposium on Visualization in Data Science (VDS)
DeepVA: Bridging Cognition and Computation through Semantic Interaction and Deep Learning
Yali Bian, John Wenskovitch, Chris North
2019 IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning from User Interaction for Visualization and Analytics (MLUI)
Dropping the Baton?: Understanding Errors and Bottlenecks in a Crowdsourced Sensemaking Pipeline
Tianyi Li, Chandler J. Manns, Chirs North, Kurt Luther
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 3, Issue CSCW, Article No.: 136, pp 1–26
The Effect of Edge Bundling and Seriation on Sensemaking of Biclusters in Bipartite Graphs
Maoyuan Sun, Jian Zhao, Hao Wu, Kurt Luther, Chris North, Naren Ramakrishnan
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ( Volume: 25, Issue: 10, 01 October 2019)
Evaluating Semantic Interaction on Word Embeddings via Simulation
Yali Bian, Michelle Dowling, Chris North
Evaluation of Interactive Visual Machine Learning Systems, an IEEE VIS 2019 Workshop
Immersive Analytics: Theory and Research Agenda
Richard Skarbez, Nicholas F. Polys, J. Todd Ogle, Chris North, Doug A. Bowman
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Vol 6, September 2019
Intelligent systems for geosciences: an essential research agenda
Yolanda Gil, Suzanne A. Pierce, et al.
Communications of the ACM, Volume 62, Issue 1
Interactive Bicluster Aggregation in Bipartite Graphs
Maoyuan Sun, David Koop, Jian Zhao, Chris North, Naren Ramakrishnan
2019 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS)
Interactive Visual Analytics for Sensemaking with Big Text
Michelle Dowling, Nathan Wycoff, Brian Mayer, John Wenskovitch, Scotland Lemon, Leanno House, Nicholas Polys, Chris North, Peter Hauck
Big Data Research, Vol 16
Machine Learning from User Interaction for Visualization and Analytics: A Workshop-Generated Research Agenda
John Wenskovitch, Michelle Dowling, Laura Grose, Chris North, Remco Chang, Alex Endert, David H. Rogers
2019 IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning from User Interaction for Visualization and Analytics (MLUI)
Pollux: Interactive Cluster-First Projections of High-Dimensional Data
John Wenskovitch, Chris North
2019 IEEE Visualization in Data Science (VDS)
Simultaneous interaction with dimension reduction and clustering projections
John Wenskovitch, Michelle Dowling, Chris North
IUI ’19 Companion: Companion Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
Towards insight-driven sampling for big data visualisation
Moeti M. Masiane, Anne Driscoll, Wuchun Feng, John Wenskovitch, Chris North
Behaviour & Information Technology, Volume 39, 2020 – issue 7
Be the Data: Embodied Visual Analytics
Chen X, Self JZ, House L, Wenskovitch J, Sun M, Wycoff N, Evia JR, Leman S, North C
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies ( Volume: 11, Issue: 1, 01 Jan.-March 2018)
A Bidirectional Pipeline for Semantic Interaction
Michelle Dowling, John Wenskovitch, Peter Hauck, Adam Binford, Nicholas Polys, Chris North
2018 IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning from User Interaction for Visualization and Analytics (MLUI)
CrowdIA: Solving Mysteries with Crowdsourced Sensemaking
Tianyi Li, Kurt Luther, Chris North
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer InteractionVolume 2, Issue CSCW, Article No.: 105pp 1–29
The Effect of Semantic Interaction on Foraging in Text Analysis
John Wenskovitch, Lauren Bradel, Michelle Dowling, Leanna House, Chris North
2018 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)
Immersive Human-Centered Computational Analytics
Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, Tim Dwyer, Steven Drucker, Carsten Görg, Chris North, and Gerik Scheuermann
In: Marriott, K., et al. Immersive Analytics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11190, Springer, 2018
Interaction for Immersive Analytics
Wolfgang Büschel, Jian Chen, Raimund Dachselt, Steven Drucker, Tim Dwyer, Carsten Görg, Tobias Isenberg, Andreas Kerren, Chris North, and Wolfgang Stuerzlinger
In: Marriott, K., et al. Immersive Analytics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11190, Springer, 2018
Interactive Discovery of Coordinated Relationship Chains with Maximum Entropy Models
Hao Wu, Maoyuan Sun, Peng Mi, Nikolaj Tatti, Chris North, Naren Ramakrishnan
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, Volume 12, Issue 1, Article No.: 7, pp 1–34
Observation-Level and Parametric Interaction for High-Dimensional Data Analysis
Jessica Zeitz Self, Michelle Dowling, John Wenskovitch, Ian Crandell, Ming Wang, Leanna House, Scotland Leman, Chris North
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, Volume 8, Issue 2, Article No.: 15, pp 1–36
Smooth, Efficient, and Interruptible Zooming and Panning
Andrew McCal Reach, Chris North
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer GraphicsVolume 25, Issue 2, February 2019, pp 1421–1434
Towards a Systematic Combination of Dimension Reduction and Clustering in Visual Analytics
John Wenskovitch, Ian Crandell, Naren Ramakrishna,; Leanna House, Scotland Leman, Chris North
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics ( Volume: 24, Issue: 1, January 2018)
Bringing interactive visual analytics to the classroom for developing EDA skills
Jessica Zeitz, Nathan Self, Leanna House, Jane Robertson Evia, Scotland Leman, Chris North
Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Volume 33, Issue 3, pp 115–125
Observation-Level Interaction with Clustering and Dimension Reduction Algorithms
John Wenskovitch, Chris North
HILDA ’17: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics
Portable Parallel Design of Weighted Multi-Dimensional Scaling for Real-Time Data Analysis
Sajal Dash, Anshuman Verma, Chris North, Wu-chun Feng
2017 IEEE 19th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC)
AVIST: A GPU-Centric Design for Visual Exploration of Large Multidimensional Datasets
Peng Mi, Maoyuan Sun, Moeti Masiane, Yong Cao, Chris North
Informatics 3(4), 2016
Be the data: A new approach for lmmersive analytics
Xin Chen, Jessica Zeitz Self, Leanna House, Chris North
2016 Workshop on Immersive Analytics (IA)
BiSet: Semantic Edge Bundling with Biclusters for Sensemaking
M. Sun, M. Peng, C. North, N. Ramakrishnan
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 22(1):310-319
Bridging the gap between user intention and model parameters for human-in-the-loop data analytics
Jessica Zeitz Self, Radha Krishnan Vinayagam, J. T. Fry, Chris North
HILDA ’16: Proceedings of the Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics
Interactive Graph Layout of a Million Nodes
Peng Mi, Maoyuan Sun, Moeti Masiane, Yong Cao, Chris North
Informatics 3(4), 2016
Bandlimited OLAP cubes for interactive big data visualization
Caleb Reach, Chris North
2015 IEEE 5th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV)
Big Text Visual Analytics in Sensemaking
Lauren Bradel, Nathan Wycoff, Leanna House, Chris North
2015 Big Data Visual Analytics (BDVA)
Four considerations for supporting visual analysis in display ecologies
Haeyong Chung, Chris North, Sarang Joshi, Jian Chen
2015 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)
Semantic Interaction: Coupling Cognition and Computation through Usable Interactive Analytics
Alex Endert, Remco Chang, Chris North, Michelle Zhou
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 35(4)
Visualizing Traffic Causality for Analyzing Network Anomalies
Hao Zhang, Maoyuan Sun, Danfeng Yao, Chris North
IWSPA ’15: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Workshop on International Workshop on Security and Privacy Analytics
Augmenting the educational curriculum with the visual analytics science and technology challenge: opportunities and pitfalls
Christian Rohrdantz, Florian Mansmann, Chris North, Daniel A. Keim
Information Visualization, 13(4)
Event-based text visual analytics
Ji Wang, Lauren Bradel, Chris North
2014 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)
A Five-Level Design Framework for Bicluster Visualizations
Maoyuan Sun, Chris North, Naren Ramakrishnan
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 20(12)
The human is the loop: new directions for visual analytics
Alex Endert, M. Shahriar Hossain, Naren Ramakrishnan, Chris North, Patrick Fiaux, Christopher Andrews
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Vol 43
Making sense of daily life data: From commonalities to anomalies
Ji Wang, Peng Mi, Chris North
2014 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)
ReCloud: semantics-based word cloud visualization of user reviews
Ji Wang, Jian Zhao, Sheng Guo, Chris North, Naren Ramakrishnan
GI ’14: Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2014
The role of interactive biclusters in sensemaking
Maoyuan Sun, Lauren Bradel, Chris North, Naren Ramakrishnan
CHI ’14: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Semantic Interaction for Visual Analytics: Toward Coupling Cognition and Computation
Alex Endert
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 34(4)
StarSpire: Multi-model semantic interaction for text analytics
Lauren Bradel, Chris North, Leanna House, Scotland Leman
2014 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)
A Survey of Software Frameworks for Cluster-Based Large High-Resolution Displays
Haeyong Chung, Christopher Andrews, Chris North
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 20(8)
VisPorter: facilitating information sharing for collaborative sensemaking on multiple displays
Haeyong Chung, Chris North, Jessica Zeitz Self, Sharon Chu, Francis Quek
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol 18
Auto-Highlighter: Identifying Salient Sentences in Text
Jessica Zeitz Self, Rebecca Zeitz, Chris North, Alan L. Breitler
2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics
Beyond Control Panels: Direct Manipulation for Visual Analytics
Alex Endert, Lauren Bradel, Chris North
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 33(4)
Bixplorer: Visual Analytics with Biclusters
Patrick Fiaux, Maoyuan Sun, Lauren Bradel, Chris North, Naren Ramakrishnan, Alex Endert
IEEE Computer ( Volume: 46, Issue: 8, August 2013)
A comparison of two display models for collaborative sensemaking
Haeyong Chung, Sharon Lynn Chu, Chris North
PerDis ’13: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays
Developing Large High-Resolution Display Visualizations of High-Fidelity Terrain Data
Haeyong Chung, Chris North, John Ferris
J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng.
Fisheye word cloud for temporal sentiment exploration
Ji Wang, Kyle D. Dent, Chris North
CHI EA ’13: CHI ’13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
How analysts cognitively “connect the dots”
Lauren Bradel, Jessica Zeitz Self, Alex Endert, M. Shahriar Hossain, Chris North, Naren Ramakrishnan
2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics
An image-space energy-saving visualization scheme for OLED displays
Haidong Chen, Ji Wang, Weifeng Chen, Huamin Qu, Wei Chen
Computers & Graphics, vol 38
The Impact of Physical Navigation on Spatial Organization for Sensemaking
Christopher Andrews, Chris North
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 19(12)
Large high resolution displays for co-located collaborative sensemaking: Display usage and territoriality
Lauren Bradel, Alex Endert, Kristen Koch, Christopher Andrews, Chris North
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 71(11)
Semantics of Directly Manipulating Spatializations
Xinran Hu, Lauren Bradel, Dipayan Maiti, Leanna House, Chris North, Scotland Leman
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 19(12)
Visual to Parametric Interaction (V2PI)
Scotland C. Leman, Leanna House, Dipayan Maiti, Alex Endert, Chris North
PLoS ONE 8(3)
Analyst’s Workspace: An embodied sensemaking environment for large, high-resolution displays
Christopher Andrews, Chris North
2012 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)
Designing large high-resolution display workspaces
Alex Endert, Lauren Bradel, Jessica Zeitz, Christopher Andrews, Chris North
AVI ’12: Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
Dynamic analysis of large datasets with animated and correlated views
Yong Cao, Reese Moore, Peng Mi, Alex Endert, Chris North, Randy Marchany
2012 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)
How spatial layout, interactivity, and persistent visibility affect learning with large displays
Eric D. Ragan, Alex Endert, Doug A. Bowman, Francis Quek
AVI ’12: Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
Pixel-oriented Treemap for multiple displays
Haeyong Chung, Yong Ju Cho, Jessica Self, Chris North
2012 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)
Semantic Interaction for Sensemaking: Inferring Analytical Reasoning for Model Steering
Alex Endert, Patrick Fiaux, Chris North
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(12)
Semantic interaction for visual text analytics
Alex Endert, Patrick Flaux, Chris North
CHI ’12: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
The semantics of clustering: analysis of user-generated spatializations of text documents
Alex Endert, Seth Pox, Dipayan Maiti, Scotland Leman, Chris North
AVI ’12: Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
Analyst’s workspace: Protecting vastopolis
Christopher Andrews, M. Shahriar Hossain, Samah Gad, Naren Ramakrishnan, Chris North
2011 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)
ChairMouse: leveraging natural chair rotation for cursor navigation on large, high-resolution displays
Alex Endert, Patrick Flaux, Haeyong Chung, Micheal Stewart, Christopher Andrews, Chris North
CHI EA ’11: CHI ’11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Co-located Collaborative Sensemaking on a Large High-Resolution Display with Multiple Input Devices
Katherine Vogt, Lauren Bradel, Christopher Andrews, Chris North, Alex Endert, Duke Hutchings
Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2011
A comparison of benchmark task and insight evaluation methods for information visualization
Chris North, Purvi Saraiya, Karen DucaView
Information Visualization, 10(3)
Design and evaluation of freehand menu selection interfaces using tilt and pinch gestures
T. Ni, D. Bowman, C. North, R. McMahan
Intl. Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 69(9)
The effects of spatial layout and view control on cognitive processing
Eric D. Ragan, Alex Endert, Doug A. Bowman, Francis Quek
CHI EA ’11: CHI ’11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Helping intelligence analysts make connections
M. Shahriar Hossain, Christopher Andrews, Naren Ramakrishnan, Chris North
AAAIWS’11-17: Proceedings of the 17th AAAI Conference on Scalable Integration of Analytics and Visualization
Information visualization on large, high-resolution displays: Issues, challenges, and opportunities
Christopher Andrews, Alex Endert, Chris North
Information Visualization, 10(4)
Observation-level interaction with statistical models for visual analytics
Alex Endert, Chao Han, Dipayan Maiti, Leanna House, Scotland Leman, Chris North
2011 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)
The role of Depth and Gestalt cues in information-rich virtual environments
N. Polys, D. Bowman, C. North
Intl. Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 69(1-2)
Supporting the cyber analytic process using visual history on large displays
Ankit Singh, Lauren bradel, Alex Endert, Robert Kincaid, Christopher Andrews, Chris North
VizSec ’11: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security
Visual encodings that support physical navigation on large displays
Alex Endert, Christopher Andrews, Yueh Hua Lee, Chris North
GI ’11: Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2011
Comparing benchmark task and insight evaluation methods on timeseries graph visualizations
P. Saraiya, C. North, K. Duca
BELIV 2010 Workshop (BEyond time and errors: novel evaLuation methods for Information Visualization) at ACM CHI 2010
The Effect of Presenting Long Documents with Large High-Resolution Displays on Comprehension of Content and User Experience
Seungwon Yang, Haeyong Chung, Chris North, Edward A. Fox
the 13th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD’ 10)
Space to think: large high-resolution displays for sensemaking
Christopher Andrews, Alex Endert, Chris North
CHI ’10: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Towards efficient collaboration in cyber security
Peter Hui, Joe Bruce, Glenn Fink, Michelle Gregory, Daniel Best, Liam McGrath, Alex Endert
2010 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems
Visualizing biological data—now and in the future
S. O’Donoghue, A. Gavin, N. Gehlenborg, D. Goodsell, J. Hériché, C. Nielsen, C. North, A. Olson, J. Procter, D. Shattuck, T. Walter, B. Wong
Nature Methods, 7(3s)
VizCept: Supporting synchronous collaboration for constructing visualizations in intelligence analysis
Haeyong Chung, Seungwon Yang, Naveed Massjouni, Christopher Andrews, Rahul Kanna, Chris North
2010 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology
Co-located Many-Player Gaming on Large High-Resolution Displays
David Machaj, Christopher Andrews, Chris North
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
A Comparison of User-Generated and Automatic Graph Layouts
Tim Dwyer, Bongshin Lee, Danyel Fisher, Kori Inkpen Quinn, Petra Isenberg, George Robertson, Chris North
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 15(6)
A multiscale interaction technique for large, high-resolution displays
Sarah M. Peck, Chris North, Doug Bowman
2009 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces
Professional analysts using a large, high-resolution display
Alex Endert, Christopher Andrews, Glenn A. Fink, Chris North
2009 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology
Shaping the Display of the Future: The Effects of Display Size and Curvature on User Performance and Insights
Lauren Shupp, Christopher Andrews, Margaret Dickey-Kurdziolek, Beth Yost, Chris North
Human–Computer Interaction, 24(1-2)
Understanding Multi-touch Manipulation for Surface Computing
Chris North, Tim Dwyer, Bongshin Lee, Danyel Fisher, Petra Isenberg, George Robertson, Kori Inkpen
Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2009
VAST contest dataset use in education
Mark A. Whiting, Chris North, Alex Endert, Jean Scholtz, Jereme Haack, Carrie Varley, Jim Thomas
2009 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology
Visualizing cyber security: Usable workspaces
Glenn A. Fink, Christopher L. North, Alex Endert, Stuart Rose
2009 6th International Workshop on Visualization for Cyber Security
A Digital Library for Recovery, Research, and Learning from April 16, 2007 at Virginia Tech
E. Fox, C. Andrews, W. Fan, J. Jiao, A. Kassahun, S.C. Lu, Y. Ma, C. North, N. Ramakrishnan, A. Scarpa, B. Friedman, S. Sheetz, D. Shoemaker, V. Srinivasan, S. Yang, and L. Boutwelle
Traumatology, 14(1)
The effects of peripheral vision and physical navigation on large scale visualization
Robert Ball, Chris North
Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2008 (GI)
Unification of problem solving environment implementation layers with XML-based specifications
Jiang Shu, Layne T. Watson, Naren Ramakrishnan, Frederick A. Kamke, Christopher L. North
Advances in Engineering Software, 39(3)
Beyond visual acuity: the perceptual scalability of information visualizations for large displays
Beth Yost, Yonca Haciahmetoglu, Chris North
CHI ’07: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
High-resolution displays enhancing geo-temporal data visualizations
John Booker, Timothy Buennemeyer, Andrew Sabri, Chris North
ACM-SE 45: Proceedings of the 45th annual southeast regional conference
High-resolution gaming: Interfaces, notifications, and the user experience
Andrew J Sabri, Robert G Ball, Alain Fabian, Saurabh Bhatia, Chris North
Interacting with Computers ( Volume: 19, Issue: 2, March 2007)
Move to improve: promoting physical navigation to increase user performance with large displays
Robert Ball, Chris North, Doug A. Bowman
CHI ’07: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Realizing embodied interaction for visual analytics through large displays
Robert Ball, Chris North
Computers and Graphics, 31(3)
Special Issue in Honor of Ben Shneiderman’s 60th Birthday: Reflections on Human-Computer Interaction
Catherine Plaisant, Chris North
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, Vol 23
Workshop report: information visualization-human-centered issues in visual representation, interaction, and evalution
Andreas Kerren, John T. Stasko, Jean-Daniel Fekete, Chris North
Information Visualization, 6(3)
Bridging the host-network divide: survey, taxonomy, and solution
Glenn A. Fink, Vyas Duggirala, Ricardo Correa, Chris North
LISA ’06: Proceedings of the 20th conference on Large Installation System Administration
Evaluation of viewport size and curvature of large, high-resolution displays
Lauren Shupp, Robert Ball, Beth Yost, John Booker,Chris North
GI ’06: Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2006
An Insight-Based Longitudinal Study of Visual Analytics
P. Saraiya, C. North, Vy Lam, K.A. Duca
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 12(6)
Making a Case for HCI: Exploring Benefits of Visualization for Case Studies
Brandon Berry, Laurian Hobby, D. Scott McCrickard, Chris North, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones
World Conference on Educational Multimedia/Hypermedia and Educational Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA ’06)
The Perceptual Scalability of Visualization
Beth Yost, Chris North
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 12(5)
A Survey of Large High-Resolution Display Technologies, Techniques, and Applications
Tao Ni, G.S. Schmidt, O.G. Staadt, M.A. Livingston, R. Ball, R. May
IEEE Virtual Reality Conference (VR 2006)
Toward measuring visualization insight
Chris North
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications ( Volume: 26, Issue: 3, May-June 2006)
Vizability: a tool for usability engineering process improvement through the visualization of usability problem data
Pardha S. Pyla, Jonathan R. Howarth, Chris Catanzaro, Chris North
ACM-SE 44: Proceedings of the 44th annual Southeast regional conference
Analysis of user behavior on high-resolution tiled displays
Robert Ball, Chris North
INTERACT’05: Proceedings of the 2005 IFIP TC13 international conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Bioinformatics visualization: introduction to the special issue
Chris North, Therese-Marie Rhyne, Karen Duca
Information Visualization, 4(3)
Effects of tiled high-resolution display on basic visualization and navigation tasks
Robert Ball, Chris North
CHI EA ’05: CHI ’05 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Information Visualization
Chris North
Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, 3rd Edition
An insight-based methodology for evaluating bioinformatics visualizations
P. Saraiya, C. North, K. Duca
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 11(4)
Learnability of interactive coordinated-view visualizations
S. Krishnamoorthy, C. North
Ninth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’05)
Root polar layout of Internet address data for security administration
G.A. Fink, C. North
IEEE Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security, 2005. (VizSEC 05).
Single complex glyphs versus multiple simple glyphs
Beth Yost, Chris North
CHI EA ’05: CHI ’05 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Tracking User Navigation and Performance on High-Resolution Displays using a Dynamic Real-Time Strategy Game
Ball R, Sabri A, Varghese M, North C.
Compendium of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis 2005)
Visual correlation of host processes and network traffic
G.A. Fink; P. Muessig; C. North
IEEE Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security, 2005. (VizSEC 05).
Visualization of graphs with associated timeseries data
Purvi Saraiya, P. Lee, C. North
IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, 2005. INFOVIS 2005.
Visualizing Biological Pathways: Requirements Analysis, Systems Evaluation and Research Agenda
Purvi Saraiya, Chris North, Karen Duca
Information Visualization, 4(3)
Effective features of algorithm visualizations
Purvi Saraiya, Clifford A. Shaffer, D. Scott McCrickard, Chris North
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 36(1)
Exploring the Benefits of Immersion in Abstract Information Visualization
D. Raja, D. Bowman, J. Lucas, C. North
8th International Immersive Projection Technology Workshop, 2004
An Evaluation of Microarray Visualization Tools for Biological Insight
P. Saraiya, C. North, K. Duca
IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization 2004
Home-centric visualization of network traffic for security administration
Robert Ball, Glenn A. Fink, Chris North
VizSEC/DMSEC ’04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM workshop on Visualization and data mining for computer security
Multidimensional visualization of project control data
A.D. Songer, B. Hays, C. North
Construction Innovation, 4(3)
PathSim visualizer: an Information-Rich Virtual Environment framework for systems biology
Nicholas F. Polys, Doug A. Bowman, Chris North, Reinhard Laubenbadcher, Karen Duca
Web3D ’04: Proceedings of the ninth international conference on 3D Web technology
Empirical comparison of dynamic query sliders and brushing histograms
Qing Li, Chris North
IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis) 2003
Exploring Cognitive Strategies for Integrating Multiple-View Visualizations
Y.S. Ryu, B. Yost, G. Convertino, J. Chen, C. North
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting (HFES), 2003
Exploring context switching and cognition in dual-view coordinated visualizations
G. Convertino, J. Chen, B. Yost, Y.-S. Ryu, C. North
Proceedings International Conference on Coordinated and Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization – CMV 2003
Fusion: interactive coordination of diverse data, visualizations, and mining algorithms
Chris North, Nathan Conklin, Kiran Indukuri, Varun Saini, Qiang Yu
CHI EA ’03: CHI ’03 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Information-rich virtual environments: theory, tools, and research agenda
Doug A. Bowman, Chris North, Jian Chen, Nicholas F. Polys, Pardha S. Pyla, Umur Yilmaz
VRST ’03: Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology
Breakdown visualization: multiple foci polyarchies of values and attributes
Prabhakar S, Conklin N, North C, Thirunavukkarasu M, Dandapani A, Panchanathan G
CHI EA ’02: CHI ’02 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
An Evaluation of Information Visualization in Attention-Limited Environments
Jacob Somervell, D. Scott McCrickard, Chris North, Maulik Shukla
VISSYM ’02: Proceedings of the symposium on Data Visualisation 2002
Evolving visual metaphors and dynamic tools for bioinformatics visualization
Rhyne TM, Dunning, Jr. TH, Calapristi G, North C, Gresh D
VIS ’02: Proceedings of the conference on Visualization ’02
An ordering of secondary task display attributes
Tessendorf D, Chewar CM, Ndiwalana A, Pryor J, McCrickard SD, North C
CHI EA ’02: CHI ’02 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
A radial focus+context visualization for multi-dimensional functions
S. Jayaraman, C. North
IEEE Visualization, 2002. VIS 2002.
Secondary Task Display Attributes – Optimizing Visualizations for Cognitive Task Suitability and Interference Avoidance
Chewar CM, McCrickard SD, Ndiwalana A, North C, Pryor J, Tessendorf D
VISSYM ’02: Proceedings of the symposium on Data Visualisation 2002
Visualization Schemas and a Web-Based Architecture for Custom Multiple-View Visualization of Multiple-Table Databases
Chris North, Nathan Conklin, Kiran Indukuri, Varun Saini
Information Visualization, 1(3-4)
Visualization schemas for flexible information visualization
C. North, N. Conklin, V. Saini
IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, 2002. INFOVIS 2002.
Component-based, user-constructed, multiple-view visualization
Chris North, Ben Shneiderman
CHI EA ’01: CHI ’01 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Dynamic queries and brushing on choropleth maps
G. Dang, C. North, B. Shneiderman
International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV), 2001
2000 and earlier
Snap-together visualization: a user interface for coordinating visualizations via relational schemata
Chris North, Ben Shneiderman
AVI ’00: Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces, 2000
Snap-together visualization: can users construct and operate coordinated visualizations?
Chris North, Ben Shneiderman
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 53(5), 2000
Temporal, Geographical and Categorical Aggregations Viewed through Coordinated Displays: A Case Study with Highway Incident Data
Anna Fredrikson, Chris North, Catherine Plaisant, Ben Shneiderman
ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) 1999; Reprinted in The Craft of Information Visualization
Robust, end-user programmable, multiple-window coordination
Chris North
CHI ’98: CHI 98 Conference Summary on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1998
Browsing anatomical image databases: a case study of the visible human
Chris North, Flip Korn
CHI ’96: Conference Companion on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1996
User controlled overviews of an image library: a case study of the visible human
Chris North, Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant
DL ’96: Proceedings of the first ACM international conference on Digital Libraries, 1996