Research Parties
PI: Jin-hee Cho Co-PI: Paulo Costa Goal
Our overarching research goal is to develop a generic mission impact assessment (MIA) framework that can provide the ability to assess MPE (e.g., measures of performance or effectiveness, namely MoP or MoE) based on interdependencies between multiple factors of system key components. The key components will include a given system’s asset capabilities (e.g., nodes, infrastructures, defense mechanisms, services to provide, available resources, such as energy, computing power, communication capacity), cyberattacks,
attackers’ strategies, defenders’ strategies, and the system’s vulnerabilities and their exploitabilities by the cyber attackers. We named our MIA framework, as DALNIM, representing Dependency-based Assessment of Litigious Network events Impacting the Mission. Note that “litigious network events” can be simply understood as cyberattacks in our context.Acknowledgement
This work was supported by a grant (U22051XF) from the Agency of Defense Development, Republic of South Korea.
Links to project resources
- Github: Project Github
- Papers: Papers cited in DALNIM
- SBN Implementation: Source code for SBN