02/04/2020 – Akshita Jha – Power to the People: The Role of Humans in Interactive Machine Learning

“Power to People: The Role of Humans in Interactive Machine Learning” by Amershi et. al. talks about the tightly coupled interactivity between systems and end users and how to better user experiences while improving system performance. The workflow for conventional machine learning algorithms involves a long drawn out process of training/pre-training, fine-tuning, iteratively tuning hyper-parameters, etc. to improve the target metrics. In comparison, the feedback in the interactive machine learning workflow are rapid, focused and incremental. Prominent real-world examples of interactive machine learning systems include recommender systems like Amazon and Netflix. Interactive machine learning has also been used for image segmentation where the users were asked to mark the foreground and the background image. The system took this feedback into consideration and improved its performance. Similarly, interactive music composition definitely helps improve the system but has also shown to train the students. The authors also present case studies that explore novel interfaces for interactive machine learning. For example, experimentation providing the ability to the end user to modify the input to observe the effect on the final result or the output, studies attempting to understand the efficacy of active vs. passive learning, enabling the users to query the learner as opposed to only answering questions, enabling users to provide active feedback and critique the learner’s output etc. In all the above examples, the user and the system are tightly coupled and form a cohesive unit which is difficult to study in isolation.

The paper presents several case surveys that highlights the differences between machines and humans. One particular case study that I found particularly interesting was where the researchers tried to use human feedback for training a reinforcement learning based model. In conventional reinforcement learning, the agent works in a simulated task environment and receives rewards based on each of its actions. The agent then tries to find ideal policies to best complete the task at hand. It does this maximizing the rewards. Unlike machine learning’s tendency to penalize the agent, humans in the loop focused on giving positive feedback more than the negative feedback which motivated the agent to follow a greedy algorithm. This led to an undesired effect on the agent that actively avoided getting to the goal. This result is fascinating for several reasons: (i) It effectively demonstrates the difference between the way the computers learns and the manner in which human psychology operates and (ii) It shows what can be changed in the system to incorporate human feedback and make it more effective and user friendly. Another unexpected insight was that people value transparency. It was surprising to find out that knowing more about the “black box” model helped in getting better labels. In order to design effective systems, it is critical to understand what humans expect while interacting with a system.

1. Which systems do we interact with most on a daily system? Are they interactive?
2. Can we develop metrics to appropriately evaluate a model’s ability to interact?
3. Apart from reinforcement learning are there other any specific machine learning algorithms that might benefit from having humans in the loop?

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02/05/20 – Lulwah AlKulaib- Power to the people


The paper argues that users have little to do with application development nowadays. They mention that developers apply machine learning techniques to solve problems but limit their interaction with end users to mediation by practitioners. This results in a long process with multiple iterations which limits the users ability to affect the models. They shed light on the importance of studying users in these systems and present case studies as examples of how these systems could result in better user experiences and more effective learning systems. The authors bring to our attention the advantages of studying user interaction with interactive machine learning systems and some flaws that developers must watch out for. They also present case studies of novel interfaces for interactive machine learning, clarify the different ways that could create richer interactions with users, and emphasize the importance of evaluating them with end users. The authors conclude their paper by underlying that any approach should be appropriately evaluated and tested before deployment since permitting user interactions were often beneficial but not always. They believe that by acknowledging the challenges in this approach, they would produce better machine learning systems as well as better end users.


This paper focuses on the importance of the end user’s role in interactive machine learning systems. It raises the questions about how can users effectively influence machine learning systems? and how the machine learning system can appropriately influence the users? The paper also shows case studies that explain how people interact with machine learning systems. In those cases some unexpected results were found, like: people violated assumptions of the machine learning algorithm or they weren’t willing to comply with them. Other cases showed that studies can lead to insights about input and output types that interactive machine learning systems should support. The paper discusses case studies about some novel interfaces for interactive machine learning. Whether the novelty comes from new methods from receiving inputs or giving outputs. They mention that the new input techniques can give users more control over the system while output techniques can make the system more transparent or understandable. The paper does mention though that not all novel interfaces were beneficial, and some certain input and output types lead to obstacles for the user which reduces the accuracy of the learner model. The paper raises a good point about how different end users have different needs and expectations of the systems and therefore, rich interaction techniques must be designed accordingly. I agree with the authors that conducting studies of novel interactive machine learning systems is critical. And that those studies could be the basis of guideline development for future interactive learning systems.


  • How would you apply interactive machine learning in your project?
  • Have you encountered such systems in other research papers you have read?
  • What are applications that could benefit from utilizing interactive machine learning systems?
  • How would you utilize some case studies suggestions from the paper in a machine learning model rather than the user experience?

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