In this paper, the authors try to help Mturk requesters by providing them with an analysis tool called “Crowdscape.” Crowdscape is a ML + visualization tool for viewing and filtering Mturk worker submissions based on the workers’ behaviors. The user of the application can threshold based on certain behavioral attributes such as time spent or typing delay. The application takes in two inputs: Worker behavior and results. The behavior input is a timeseries data of user activity. The result is what the worker submitted for the Mturk work. The authors focused on finding similarities of the answers to graph on parallel coordinates. The authors conducted a user study by launching four different tasks and recording user behavior and result. The authors conclude that their approach is useful.
This paper’s approach of integrating user behavior and result to filter good output was interesting. Although, I think this system should overcome a problem for it to be effective. The problem lies in the ethics area. The authors explicitly stated that they obtained consent from their pool of workers to collect user behavior. However, some Mturk requesters may decide not to do so with some ill intentions. This may result in intrusion of private information and even end up to theft. On the other hand, upon obtaining consent from the Mturk worker, the worker becomes aware of him or her being monitored. This could also result in unnatural behavior which is undesired for system testing.
I thought the individual visualized graphs and figures were effective for better understanding and filtering by user behavior. However, the entire Crowdscape interface looked a bit overpacked with information. I think a small feature to show or hide some of the graphs would be desirable. The same problem existed with another information exploration system from a project that I’ve worked in. In my experience, an effective solution was to provide a set of menus that hierarchically sorted attributes.
These are the questions that I had while reading the paper:
1. A big purpose of Crowdscape is that it can be used to filter and retrieve a subset of the results (that are thought to be high quality results). What other ways could this system be used for? For example, I think this could be used for rejecting undesired results. Suppose you needed 1000 results and you launched 1000 HITs. You know you will get some ill-quality results. However, since there are too many submissions, it’ll take forever to filter by eye. Crowdscape would help accelerate the process.
2. Do you think you can use Crowdscape for your project? If so, how would you use it? Crowdscape is useful if you, the researcher, is the endpoint of the Mturk task (as in the result is ultimately used by you). My project uses the results from Mturk in a systematic way without ever reaching me, so I don’t think I’ll use Crowdscape.
3. Do you think the graphs available in Crowdscape is enough? What other features would you want? For one, I’d love to have a boxplot for the user behavior attributes.