04/08/2020 – Yuhang Liu – Agency plus automation: Designing artificial intelligence into interactive systems


This article discusses the relationship between artificial intelligence and staff. First of all, in modern society, with the rapid development of technology, the continuous development of artificial intelligence makes people more and more inclined to use the latest artificial intelligence to replace real people, but These ideas are usually based on very optimistic situations and underestimate the challenges of applying artificial intelligence. In general, artificial intelligence cannot complete these tasks without human resources. Therefore, in this case, we need to change our thinking. If we are not able to completely constitute automated technology to liberate human resources, then we can build computing auxiliary functions to strengthen and enrich people’s intellectual work. Therefore, the author of this article proposes to build a system that can realize rich interaction between people and algorithms. The system in this article is not intended to liberate the manpower in some systems. On the contrary, it is hoped that these manpower can be strengthened to better play the role of man in a system. This system balances the advantages of all aspects while promoting human control and action. The author applies this system to three aspects, and integrates the active computing in the interactive system to explain that this system is useful and can achieve the purpose of enhancing manpower. Finally, the author discusses the possibility of its future application.


I think the author ’s idea is very innovative. First of all, I have to admit that it is very difficult to fully implement the automation function. In my recent project, I have obvious feelings. In the natural scene, there is no labeled tweets whether it is a rumor. To implement supervised learning to automatically discover rumors in social networks, it is necessary to have marked data, which also reflects the importance of humans, so I need to use crowdsourcing platforms in my project. The system introduced in the article is to help people to play a greater role in a system and help people find better ways. I think this is very effective. Enhancing the role of people can undoubtedly increase efficiency. At the same time, I think that this system has also contributed to the subsequent research, not only providing new research ideas, when a field encounters major challenges or bottlenecks, we can consider changing the line of defense to study the problem. At the same time, I think that strengthening the role of people in a system can also better understand the role of people in an application, so that it can better study how to use artificial intelligence to replace humans in computer interaction in the future. In the end, the article also raises a deeper question, should we accept computers help us think, the application of such systems has no intention to raise the workers’ level, and to a large extent can help new hands adapt to a system, starting work more quickly. Such a system can largely allow people control system instead of passively accepting algorithms, so how to define the application direction of artificial intelligence in the future is also a problem that we need to think about.


  1. Do you think the system mentioned in the paper can help new hands adapt a new system?
  2. Do you think extend people’s ability by computer can help us research the role of people in human and computer interaction?
  3. Should we accept the idea that “computers help people think”, will it lead other problems?

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