03/04/2020 – Palakh Mignonne Jude – Combining Crowdsourcing and Google Street View To Identify Street-Level Accessibility Problems


The authors of this paper aim to investigate the feasibility of recruiting MTurk workers to label and assess sidewalk accessibility problems as can be viewed by making use of Google Street View. The authors conducted two studies, the first, with 6 people (3 from their team of researchers and 3 wheelchair users) and the second, that investigated the performance of turkers. The authors created an interactive labeling interface as well as a validation interface (to help users to accept/reject previous labels).  The authors proposed different levels of annotation correctness comprising of two spectra – localization spectrum which includes image level and pixel level granularity and specificity spectrum which includes the amount of information evaluated for each label. They defined image-level correctness in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and f-measure. In order to computer inter-rater agreement at the image-level, they utilized Fleiss’ kappa. In order to evaluate the more challenging pixel-level agreement, they aimed to verify the labeling by indicating that pixel-level overlap was greater between labelers on the same image versus across different images. The authors used the labels produced from Study 1 as the ground truth dataset to evaluate turker performance. The authors also proposed two quality control approaches – filtering turkers based on a threshold of performance and filtering labels based on crowdsourced validations.


I really liked the motivation of this paper especially given the large number of people that have physical disabilities. I am very interested to know how something like this would extend to other countries such as India as it would greatly aid people with physical disabilities over there since there are many places with poor walking surfaces and do not have support for wheelchairs. I think that having such a system in place in India would definitely help disabled people be better informed about places that can be visited.

I also liked the quality control mechanisms of filtering tuckers and filtering labels since these appear to be good ways to improve the overall quality of the labels obtained. I thought it was interesting that the performance of the system improved with tucker count but the gains diminished in magnitude as the group size grew. I thought that the design of the labelling and verification interface was good and that it made it easy for users to perform their tasks.


  1. As indicated in the limitations section, this work ‘ignored practical aspects such as locating the GSV camera in geographical space and selecting an optimal viewpoint’. Has any follow-up study been performed that takes into account these physical aspects? How complex would it be to conduct such a study?
  2. The authors mention that image quality can be poor in some cases due to a variety of factors. How much of an impact would this cause to the task at hand? Which labels would have been most affected if the image quality was very poor?
  3. The validation of labels was performed by crowd workers via the verification interface. Would there have been any change in the results obtained if experts had been used for the validation of labels instead of crowd workers (since they may have been able to identify more errors in the labels as compared to normal crowd workers)?

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