[Reflection #3] -[2/4/2019] – [Jonathan Alexander]

Early Public Responses to the Zika-Virus on YouTube:


This paper analyzes videos on YouTube concerning the Zika virus. In this study the authors group videos about the virus into two categories, informational videos and conspiracy videos. The researchers then compare different aspects of user activity surrounding these videos such as number of comments, shares, likes, dislikes, and replies. The researchers use this data to attempt and ascertain:

  1. Are informational or conspiracy videos viewed more
  2. Did the quantity of user activity (comments, replies, likes, shares) differ between informational and conspiracy videos
  3. Did the content of user activity (comments and replies) differ between informational and conspiracy videos.

The researchers concluded that there was no significant difference in user activity across the two types of videos, that the sentiment of comments to both types of videos was the same, and that comments seem to frame the virus differently across the two types of videos.


  • The study only uses a sample size of 35 videos and only those about the Zika virus. I think a larger sample size would be beneficial to the study. Furthermore, if the aim of the study is to compare informational and conspiracy videos generally there are many more instances that should have been considered such as 9/11 and the moon landing. I would be interested in seeing a similar study comparing informational and conspiracy videos that uses a larger sample size and more trials ( instances of events that had a large presence of both informational and conspiracy videos).
  • Early on in the paper the authors cite another study by Vousoughi, Roy, and Aral that stated that the sentiment in comments on conspiracy theory news is often more negative than that of scientific news. The authors then get the opposite results stating that there was no difference in sentiment among the informational and conspiracy videos. Given the disagreement I would be interested in seeing further research into the differences in user sentiment across informational and conspiracy news.
  • The article categorizes the top 35 videos (based on number of views) found using the input string “Zika-virus” into either informational or conspiracy. Firstly, I think there could be other categories of videos resulting from that search besides informational and conspiracy, for instance comedy, reaction, and satire videos concerning the Zika virus all could have returned from that search. Furthermore, the videos were categorized “based on close watching the sample of videos”. This introduces personal bias and the potential for human error into the study, especially as the authors themselves point out that conspiracy theories can be true or false.
  • The study concludes that comments from the two different types of videos discuss the virus using different “framings”. The authors give examples but do not dive too deep into the difference in “framing”. I would be interested in seeing further research into how discussions are framed differently between informational and conspiracy news and how these differences could be generalized to other forms of social media news such as fake news.

Automated Hate Speech Detection and the Problem of Offensive Language


This paper tells of a group of researchers that attempt to use crowd sourced data to train a  multi-class classifier to distinguish between hate speech, offensive language, and normal speech. The authors are very careful to define hate speech as “language that is used to express hatred towards a targeted group or is intended to be derogatory, to humiliate, or to insult a member of the group” to highlight what they see as the difference between hate speech and offensive language. The authors crowd source a lexicon of hate speech, a sentiment lexicon, and hand classified tweets to train their classifier. The authors stated that their best performing model has a precision of .91, but that around 40% of hate speech was a misclassification. The paper concludes that although their classifier was moderately successful there is often a conflation of offensive language with hate speech and that further work should be done to utilize algorithms to differentiate between the two.


  • The paper begins by defining hate speech targets disadvantaged social groups in a way that is potential harmful to them. I think this definition introduces long term challenges as the classifier will have to keep up as disadvantaged social groups are always changing and evolving. When the researchers do go and give a definition “language that is used to express hatred towards a targeted group or is intended to be derogatory, to humiliate, or to insult the members of the group”, I think this introduces new issues as this definition is hard to differentiate from the vast majority of insults. To illustrate these issues look no further than the ambiguity of hate speech throughout the paper, several times the authors mention the inherent bias or that their sources of data were conflicted about what was hate speech. I would be interested in research into classifying hateful sentiment rather than hate speech as the latter is too susceptible to only learning the current slurs and target groups of the today without being general enough to use in the future.
  • To decide what tweets to collect the researchers used a “lexicon of words and phrases identified by the internet as hate speech compiled by Hatebase.org”. The use of such a lexicon introduces huge amounts of human bias into the study as well as makes the focus of the classification on what words or slurs we call hate speech today instead of the overall sentiment of hate speech that can be used in ways we have yet to see. I think research into the quality of the words and phrases identified on Hatebase.org could shed light on the quality of studies that rely on such lexicons and potentially advance our efforts to classify hate speech.
  • After collecting the tweets the researchers had each tweet manually classified as hate speech, offensive language, or neither by a service called CrowdFollowers. As with the use of Hatebase.org, having the tweets manually classified adds a huge amount of bias to the study and also introduces the possibility of human error if some tweets are misclassified, an issue that comes up in the authors discussion. Research into the classification of hate speech that does not rely on human classification may be impossible, but the use of human classification will always introduce the possibility of error and bias.
  • The authors note in their results that 40% of hate speech was misclassified and that the tweets with the highest predicted probability of being hate speech were the ones with multiple slurs or racist terms. This let horrible instances of hate speech slip by simply because they were written without slurs or specific key words. I would be interested in seeing how much their classifier relies on key words or phrases and if there is a way to classify speech as hate speech without relying on such things.
  • The authors note that the classifier is better at detecting hate speech target at specific groups such as “anti-black racism and homophobia”, but had a harder time detecting hate speech at other groups such as the Chinese.  This further illustrates in my mind that the classifier relies too much on key words or terms. Since the social groups that are the target or hate speech are constantly changing and evolving relying on group or time specific slurs to detect hate speech is not a long term solution. Further research into what defines hate speech beyond specific groups, slurs, or key words could generalize our classification to be useful in a wider context and for a longer period of time.

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