Reading Reflection 5


The article “The Language that Gets People to Give: Phrases that Predict Success on Kickstarter”, goes into details of researching what makes crowdsourced projects successfully funded. A key things that they noticed were language in how the project is pitched. They studied how certain phrases and words created a better platform for people to support projects. They also noticed that certain controls helped as well like the project goal, duration, etc.; however, the major reason did narrow down to the phrases used in the pitch. The way things are worded helps people feel more inclined to donate and support the project.


From this article, I want to apply how we deliver our project pitch to gain as many supporters as possible. I want people to see our product and believe it is something meaningful and helpful to society. Our group will use this article to gain knowledge on what phrases work and which do not to gain more supporters. This may not help us financially because our project does not need financial help but rather support of people thinking it is a program that will benefit them.


  • Which phrases worked better than other phrases?
  • Do phrases help gain support even for not crowd funding but just crowd support?
  • What controls will be applied to our program?

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